Home Battery System: Homeowner-Centric Automation for Cybersecure Energy Efficiency and Demand Response

Lead Performer: National Renewable Energy Laboratory – Golden, Colorado


August 31, 2017
minute read time

Lead Performer: National Renewable Energy Laboratory – Golden, Colorado
-- Bonneville Power Administration – Portland, Oregon
-- Bosch US – Broadview, Illinois
-- Colorado State University – Fort Collins, Colorado
DOE Total Funding: $750,000
FY17 DOE Funding: $250,000
Project Term: May 2016 – March 2018

Project Objective

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory, in collaboration with Bonneville Power Administration, Bosch, and Colorado State University, is developing a residential automation solution for homeowners, utilities, and energy service aggregators. Homeowners often find new residential technologies confusing with their complexity and lack of interoperability. Utilities are struggling with limited residential demand response participation via direct load management. And energy service aggregators do not have devices in homes to control, or the cost is too high to retrofit.

This project aims to address all of those problems by effectively meeting homeowner comfort and budget, as well as power-sector demand response needs with a low-cost, simple-to-use, cybersecure, and interoperable solution. The project team will:

  1. Create an interface for homeowner engagement that takes into consideration their preferences,
  2. Develop multi-criterion decision making control algorithms,
  3. Add a cybersecurity layer for privacy and grid security,
  4. Develop and install hardware, and
  5. Validate the system under realistic use cases.

Project Impact

This project aims to increase residential energy efficiency by roughly 1 Quad and demand response participation by 2KW+ firm resource per home, by easing consumer adoption of integrated solutions towards enabling >10% active devices to provide flexibility by 2035. So far in simulations, a highly-predictive preference elicitation method has been identified, 12% uncertainty in resource availability at 12-hour look-ahead, and minimum 5% energy savings has been demonstrated.


DOE Technology Manager: Marina Sofos
Lead Performer: Dane Christensen, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

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