Docket-EO-05-01: Documents Concerning the 2005-2007 Emergency Reliability Orders Concerning the Potomac River Generating Station under Section 202(c) of the Federal Power Act

The Department of Energy hereby makes the following documents in DOE docket number EO-05-01 available to the public. This proceeding is separate from a proceeding before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) at FERC docket number EL05-145-000. Submissions to DOE's docket are not considered to be filed in the FERC docket, and actions taken in the docket before DOE have no bearing on actions taken by FERC in the docket before it. However, DOE's 12-20-05 Order does use documents filed in FERC's docket number EL05-145-000. FERC's docket can be accessed at

Please note that DOE's December 20, 2005 Order No. 202-05-03 concerning the operation of the Mirant power plant in Alexandria, VA expired on July 1, 2007, as there is no need for any extension of it since Pepco completed and made operational its two new 230kV lines into downtown Washington, DC on June 29, 2007.

Pepco's June 29, 2007 announcement conffcerning the completion and operation of these two new lines can be found at the "News and Information" portion of

Note that the date shown below for a document's posting may differ from the date the document was received by DOE.

07-03-07 - DOE Order No. 202-07-03 Concerning Request for Rehearing of its December 20, 2005 Order No. 202-05-03

06-22-07 - Pepco June 22 notification of planned 230kV Transmission Circuit Outage for June 24

06-01-07 - DOE Letter to Mirant Concerning Plant Operations During the Month of June 2007 Needed to Ensure Grid Reliability

06-01-07 - Pepco May 31 notification of planned 230kV Transmission Circuit Outage

05-29-07 - Pepco Update on Current Construction Work and Mirant Generation Needs for Pepco's Planned June Line Outage

05-17-07 - Pepco Notice of Problems Requiring Changes to Previously Announced 230 kV Circuit Planned Outages

04-30-07 - Pepco Notice of Changes to Previously Announced 230 kV Circuit Planned Outages

04-27-07- March 2007 Monthly Report of Mirant to EPA. As stated in its Nov. 22, 2006 Special Environmental Analysis, DOE will post Mirant's monthly reports that it files with EPA as required under EPA's June 2006 Administrative Consent Order concerning Mirant's Alexandria, VA power plant. Such monthly reports provide results of actual monitored emissions for the stated month.

04-10-07- Feb. 2007 Monthly Report of Mirant to EPA. As stated in its Nov. 22, 2006 Special Environmental Analysis, DOE will post Mirant's monthly reports that it files with EPA as required under EPA's June 2006 Administrative Consent Order concerning Mirant's Alexandria, VA power plant. Such monthly reports provide results of actual monitored emissions for the stated month.

03-12-07- Jan. 2007 Monthly Report of Mirant to EPA. As stated in its Nov. 22, 2006 Special Environmental Analysis, DOE will post Mirant's monthly reports that it files with EPA as required under EPA's June 2006 Administrative Consent Order concerning Mirant's Alexandria, VA power plant. Such monthly reports provide results of actual monitored emissions for the stated month.

02-16-07 - Pepco's Notice of February 20 - March 6 230kV Circuit Planned Outages This 2/20/07-3/6/07 outage was previously announced in Pepco's November 27, 2006 notice

02-12-07 - Pepco's Notice of Additional 230kV Circuit Planned Outages

01-31-07 - DOE Order No. 202-07-2

These two comments were received after the Jan. 8, 2007 deadline for comments on DOE's Special Environmental Analysis (DOE/SEA-04), and will be considered to the extent practicable in DOE's decision making concerning its Order 202-07-1 expiring on Feb. 1, 2007:

01-23-07- Dec 2006 Monthly Report of Mirant to EPA. As stated in its Nov. 22, 2006 Special Environmental Analysis, DOE will post Mirant's monthly reports that it files with EPA as required under EPA's June 2006 Administrative Consent Order concerning Mirant's Alexandria, VA power plant. Such monthly reports provide results of actual monitored emissions for the stated month.

These seven comments were received in response to DOE providing the public an opportunity to comment on "DOE/SEA-04, Special Environmental Analysis: For Actions Taken Under U.S. Department of Energy Emergency Orders Regarding Operation of the Potomac River Generating Station in Alexandria, Virginia," as noted in the November 29, 2006 Federal Register as well as at this website on November 22, 2006:

01-09-07- Nov 2006 Monthly Report of Mirant to EPA. As stated in its Nov. 22, 2006 Special Environmental Analysis, DOE will post Mirant's monthly reports that it files with EPA as required under EPA's June 2006 Administrative Consent Order concerning Mirant's Alexandria, VA power plant. Such monthly reports provide results of actual monitored emissions for the stated month.

11-27-06 - Pepco's Notice of 230kV Circuit Planned Outages

11-22-06 - DOE Order No. 202-07-01 Temporarily Extending DOE Order No. 202-05-3

11-22-06- DOE's Special Environmental Analysis (SEA). For Actions Taken under U.S. Department of Energy Emergency Orders Regarding Operation of the Potomac River Generating Station in Alexandria, VA. The SEA is also available to the public on the DOE NEPA website at /nepa/downloads/sea-04-special-environmental-analysis. DOE will also announce its availability in the Federal Register. Comments on the SEA are due by January 8, 2007 and should be directed to Mr. Anthony J. Como, SEA Document Manager, U.S. Department of Energy, 1000 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20585, (o) 202-586-5935, (f) 202-287-5736, [email protected].

11-22-06 - Request by the District of Columbia Public Service Commission for Extension of DOE Order No. 202-05-3

09-29-06 - DOE Order No. 202-06-2 Temporarily Extending DOE Order No. 202-05-3

08-30-06 - DOE's Special Environmental Analysis (SEA) on potential impacts resulting from it's December 20, 2005 Order and potential future decision-making will not be completed by August 2006, as originally expected. DOE expects to make the SEA available to the public on the DOE NEPA website /nepa/downloads/sea-04-special-environmental-analysis and this website on September 15, 2006. DOE will also announce its availability in the Federal Register. For background information, see the January 20, 2006 posting at this site titled "Federal Register Notice of DOE Emergency Action Under the National Environmental Policy Act."

06-02-06 - DOE letter to Mirant Concerning Plant Operations In Regards to EPA Administrative Order by Consent

06-01-06 - EPA Issues Administrative Order by Consent for Alexandria, VA power plant

05-26-06 - Pepco Notice of May 26-27, 2006 Transmission Maintenance Outage

05-25-06 - Letter from City of Alexandria Requesting DOE Immediately Rescind Authorization for Operation of Potomac River Generating Station Under Their Compliance Plan's "Option A"

04-17-06 - Pepco's Response to the City of Alexandria's Supplemental Comments Filed March 23, 2006

03-24-06 - Supplemental Comments of Potomac Riverkeeper, Patuxent Riverkeeper, and Anacostia Riverkeeper at Earth Conservation Corps in Response to Feb. 17, 2006 DOE Order No. 202-06-1

03-24-06 - Comments and Answer of Pepco to the Requests for Rehearing Submitted by the City of Alexandria and the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Environmental Quality

03-24-06 - Comments of the District of Columbia Public Service Commission in Response to Feb. 17, 2006 DOE Order No. 202-06-1

02-17-06 - DOE Order No. 202-06-1 in Response to Requests for Rehearing of DOE Dec. 20, 2005 DOE Order No. 202-05-3

02-17-06 - Mirant Supplement No. 5 to Mirant Compliance Plan

  • Exhibit A: Modeling in Support of Additional Two Unit Operating Configurations
  • February 16 Revised Exhibit D to Mirant Compliance Plan - Revised Calendar of Potomac River Plant Operations
  • 02-09-06 - Pepco Notice of 230 kV Circuit Unplanned Outage on February 4

    02-07-06 - Mirant Supplement No. 4 to Mirant Compliance Plan

    01-27-06 - Mirant Supplement No. 3 to Mirant Compliance Plan

    01-26-06 - DOE Response to Letter from Mary Celeste Hays Letter Regarding DOE December 20 Order

    01-26-06 - DOE Response to Letter from Alexandria Homeowners and Citizen Groups Regarding DOE December 20 Order

    01-20-06 - Federal Register Notice of DOE Emergency Action Under the National Environmental Policy Act

    01-20-06 - City of Alexandria Application for Rehearing

    01-20-06 - Commonwealth of Virginia Dept of Environmental Quality Petition for Rehearing and Clarification

    01-20-06 - District of Columbia Public Service Commission Preliminary Comments [on Mirant Compliance Plan] and Request for Rehearing/Clarification

    01-20-06 - Letter from Mary Celeste Hays Regarding DOE December 20 Order

    01-20-06 - Letter from Alexandria Homeowners and Citizen Groups Regarding DOE December 20 Order

    01-20-06 - Mirant Supplement No.2 to Mirant Compliance Plan

    01-20-06 - PJM Interconnection LLC Preliminary Response to the Mirant Operating Plan

    01-20-06 - Mirant Supplement No.1 to Mirant Compliance Plan

    01-13-06 - Letter from Congressman Moran Concerning DOE Dec. 20 Order

    01-09-06 - Pepco's Preliminary Response to Mirant's December 3, 2005 Compliance Plan

    01-06-06 - Pepco Letter in Response to VA DEQ Letter Concerning Planned Outage

    01-06-06 - Letter from PJM Interconnection LLC Responding to VA DEQ and City of Alexandria Letters Concerning Planned Power Outages

    01-06-06 - City of Alexandria Letter Concerning Planned Outages

    01-06-06 - City of Alexandria Letter Concerning DOE December 20, 2005 Order

    01-05-06 - Commonwealth of Virginia Dept of Environmental Quality Letter Concerning Pepco Planned Outages

    01-05-06 - Pepco Letter Concerning Planned Outages and 2nd Further Notice of 230kV Circuit Planned Outages

    01-04-06 - DOE Interim Response to Mirant Compliance Plan

    01-03-06 - Pepco's Further Notice of 230kV Circuit Planned Outages and Pepco Notice of 230 kV Circuit Planned Outages

    01-03-06 - Attached is the compliance plan and exhibit A, plus other exhibits and supporting modeling attachments, as submitted to DOE by Mirant as required by Ordering Paragraph D of DOE's December 20 order. As stated in DOE's order, DOE will review the compliance plan and order additional requirements if necessary.

    Partial Modeling Results for Updates 5 and 6 to ENSR Modeling: Mirant Potomac River, LLC Compliance Plan -
    As per Compliance Plan, at the time of this submittal, only the SO2 results for the cases to be included in Update 5 have been completed. Tables are attached. The NO2 and PM10 results and an associated report are anticipated to be completed during the week of January 2, 2006. Similarly, the modeling to support Update 6 week of January 9, 2006. The SO2 result, however, is complete and is graphically presented as an isopleth (Exhibit B to the Operating Plan).

    Emergency Petitions and Complaints Docket-EO-05-01

    August - December 2005

    Note that the date shown below for a document's posting may differ from the date the document was received by DOE.

    12-30-05 - DOE Answer to Procedural Questions Concerning Rehearing of DOE Order

    12-29-05 - Analysis by Oak Ridge National Laboratory Cited in DOE Order No. 202-05-03, "Washington DC Reliability Requirements and the Need to Operate Mirant’s Potomac River Generation Station to Support Local Area Reliability")

    12-20-05 - DOE Order No. 202-05-3 in Response to the Emergency Complaint and Petition of the DC Public Service Commission - Press Release; DOE Order No. 202-05-3

    12-19-05 - Letter from Elizabeth Chimento and Poul Hertel, Sullivan Environmental Consultants Review of Mirant Unit 1 Plan

    11-23-05 - Letter from Virginia DEQ to DOE

    11-21-05 - PEPCO requests DOE to enter into DOE Docket No. E0-05-01 these four documents it previously entered into FERC's Docket EL05-145:

    11-18-05 - Letter from Elizabeth Chimento and Poul Hertel to FERC

    11-15-05 - Letter from Elizabeth Chimento and Poul Hertel to FERC

    11-14-05 - Motion for Leave to File a Consolidated Answer and Consolidated Answer of Virginia DEQ

    11-11-05 - PEPCO Response to DOE Questions

    11-08-05 - Response of the DC PSC to Virginia DEQ and City of Alexandria

    10-12-05 - Motion of The Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Environmental Quality

    10-07-05 - Motion to Intervene and Comments of the City of Alexandria, Virginia

    9-23-05 - Letter from PJM Interconnection LLC to the Department of Energy

    9-08-05 - Letter from PJM Interconnection LLC and PEPCO Holdings, Inc. to the Department of Energy

    9-07-05 - Letter from Mirant Corporation to the Department of Energy (with attachments)

    9-02-05 - Motion to Intervene and Comments of the Office of the Attorney General for the District of Columbia

    8-30-05 - Letter from the District of Columbia Public Service Commission to the Department of Energy

    8-29-05 - Letter from the Department of Energy to the District of Columbia Public Service Commission

    8-26-05 - Letter from PEPCO to the Department of Energy

    8-24-05 - Emergency Petition and Complaint of the District of Columbia Public Service Commission