DOE/EIS-0183: Record of Decision for the Long-Term Regional Dialogue Policy (July 2007)

Long-Term Regional Dialogue Policy

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

July 20, 2007
minute read time

Long-Term Regional Dialogue Policy

The Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) has decided to adopt a policy on the agency’s long- term power supply role after fiscal year (FY) 2011. This policy is intended to provide BPA’s customers with greater clarity about their Federal power supply so they can effectively plan for the future and, if they choose, make capital investments in long-term electricity infrastructure. This Long-Term Regional Dialogue Policy (Policy), which is the result of a Regional Dialogue process that began in 2002, is described more fully in a separately issued Administrator’s Record of Decision (ROD) that addresses the legal and policy rationale supporting the administrative decisions in the Regional Dialogue.

For more information, see Bonneville Power Administration Business Plan.