Lake Charles Exports, LLC-FE Dkt. No. - 16-110-LNG

The Office of Fossil Energy gives notice of receipt of an Application filed August 15, 2016, by Lake Charles Exports, LLC (LCE), seeking a long-term multi-contract authorization to export domestically produced liquefied natural gas (LNG) up to the equivalent of 121 billion cubic feet of natural gas per year to Free Trade Agreement (FTA) countries, and to Non-Free Trade Agreement (NFTA) countries.  The authorizations are for a 25-year period for the FTA portion and a 20-year period for the NFTA portion with both commencing on the earlier of the date of first export or seven years from the date the authorization is issued.  LCE proposes to export LNG from the existing Lake Charles Terminal located in Lake Charles, Louisiana to any country that has, or in the future will have, the capacity to import LNG via ocean-going carrier, with which the United States has, or in the future enters into, an FTA requiring national treatment for trade in natural gas, and/or NFTA countries, with which trade is not prohibited by United States law or policy.  A Federal Register notice for the NFTA portion of the application will be issued. 

As part of this analysis in issuing this Order, DOE will consider the following two studies examining the cumulative impacts of exporting domestically produced LNG:

Additionally, DOE will consider the following environmental documents:

1.8/15/2016Lake Charles Exports, LLC (LCE)Application
2.11/6/2016U.S. Department of EnergySigned F.R. Notice
3.11/10/2016U.S. Department of Energy81 FR 79005; Comments Due 1/09/2017
4.1/9/2017The American Petroleum InstituteMotion to Intervene
5.6/29/2017U.S. Department of EnergyCategorical Exclusion Determination
6.6/29/2017U.S. Department of EnergyDOE/FE Order No. 4011; Opinion and Order Granting LNG-term, Multi-contract Authorization to Export Liquefied Natural Gas by Vessel from the Lake Charles Terminal in Lake Charles, Louisiana, to Free Trade and Non-free Trade Agreement Nations
7.12/13/2018U.S. Department of EnergyPolicy Statement on LNG Destination Reporting
8.09/19/2019U.S. Department of Energy

F.R. Notice Notice Published 84 FR 49278; Comments Due 10/21/19: Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Perspective on Exporting LNG from the U.S.

9.01/02/2020U.S. Department of Energy85 FR 72: Response to Comments on Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Perspective on Exporting LNG from the U.S.
10.02/11/2020U.S. Department of Energy

Published Notice 85 FR 7672: Policy Statement Extending Natural Gas Export Authorizations to Non-free Trade Agreement Countries Through the Year 2050.

Federal Register Notice

The Comment Page

11.03/04/2020Lake Charles Exports, LLC Amendment to Long-term Authorization to Export Liquefied Natural Gas to Free Trade Agreement and Non-free Trade Agreement Countries 
12.04/03/2020U.S. Department of Energy

85 FR 18944; Application to Amend Existing Long-term Authorization to Export Liquefied Natural Gas to Non-free Trade Agreement Nations

Comments are due April 20, 2020, by 4:30 pm.

14.07/29/2020U.S. Department of EnergySigned Federal Register Notice Extending Natural Gas Export Authorizations to Non-Free Trade Agreement Countries Through the Year 2050
15.08/25/2020U.S. Department of Energy85 FR 52237 - Published Federal Register Notice Extending Natural Gas Export Authorizations to Non-Free Trade Agreement Countries Through the Year 2050
16.10/06/2020U.S. Department of EnergyDOE/FE Order No. 2987-A; 3324-B; 4011-A; Order Granting Application to Amend Long-term Authorizations
1712/17/2020U.S. Department of EnergyCategorical Exclusion Determination (CX)
1812/18/2020U.S. Department of EnergyPolicy Statement on Including Short-Term Export Authority in Long-Term LNG Export Authorizations
19.06/02/2021American Petroleum Institute (API)Notice of Withdrawal and Substitution of Counsel
20.05/17/2022Lake Charles Exports, LLC Notice of Change in Control
21.05/24/2022Lake Charles Exports, LLC Application to Amend Export Term for Existing Long-Term Authorizations Through December 31, 2050
22.06/21/2022U.S. Department of Energy87 FR 36842 - Notice of Application of Lake Charles Exports, LLC; Application To Amend Export Term Through December 31, 2050, for Existing Non-Free Trade Agreement Authorizations.

Comments are due on July 6, 2022, by 4:30 pm. 
23.06/21/2022U.S. Department of Energy87 FR 36844 - Notice of change in control of Lake Charles Exports, LLC

Comments are due on July 6, 2022, by 4:30 pm. 
24.06/21/2022Lake Charles Exports, LLCApplication for Amendment to Long-Term Authorization to Export Liquefied Natural Gas to Non-Free Trade Agreement Countries
25.07/06/2022The Industrial Energy  Consumers of America (IECA)Motion to Intervene, Protest and Comment 
26.07/06/2022Public Citizen, Inc.Motion to Intervene and Protest 
27.07/21/2022Lake Charles Exports, LLCAnswer of Lake Charles Exports, LLC and Lake Charles LNG Export Company, LLC to the Protests of the Industrial Energy Consumers of America, Public Citizen, Inc. and Sierra Club
28.07/27/2022U.S. Department of Energy

87 FR 45091 Notice of Application to Amend Existing Long-Term Authorizations to Export Liquefied Natural Gas to Non-Free Trade Agreement Countries

Comments are due on August 11, 2022, by 4:30 p.m.

29.08/05/2022The Industrial Energy  Consumers of America (IECA)Response by the Industrial Energy Consumers of America to Lake Charles Exports, LLC and Lake Charles Export Company
30.08/11/2022The Industrial Energy  Consumers of America (IECA)Motion to Intervene, Protest and Comment
31.08/11/2022The Sierra Club, Louisiana Bucket Brigade, and Healthy Gulf

Motion to Intervene and Protest


Exhibit 1Exhibit 2Exhibit 3Exhibit 4Exhibit 5Exhibit 6Exhibit 7
Exhibit 8Exhibit 9Exhibit 10Exhibit 11Exhibit 12Exhibit 13Exhibit 14
Exhibit 15Exhibit 16Exhibit 17Exhibit 18Exhibit 19Exhibit 20Exhibit 21
Exhibit 22Exhibit 23Exhibit 24Exhibit 25Exhibit 26Exhibit 27Exhibit 28
Exhibit 29Exhibit 30Exhibit 31Exhibit 32Exhibit 33Exhibit 34Exhibit 35
Exhibit 36Exhibit 37Exhibit 38Exhibit 39Exhibit 40Exhibit 41 
32.08/23/2022Lake Charles Exports, LLCAnswer of Lake Charles Exports, LLC and Lake Charles LNG Export Company, LLC to the Protests of the Industrial Energy Consumers of America and Sierra Club
33.09/23/2022U.S. Department of EnergyResponse to Notice of Change in Control
34.04/21/2023U.S. Department of EnergyPolicy Statement on Export Commencement Deadlines in Authorizations to Export Natural Gas to Non-Free Trade Agreement Countries
35.04/21/2023U.S. Department of EnergyDOE/FECM Order No. 3324-C; 4011-B; Order Denying Application for Second Extension of Deadline to Commence Exports of Liquefied Natural Gas to Non-Free Trade Agreement Countries
36.05/08/2023Louisiana Governor John Bel EdwardsOff the Record Communication
37.05/22/2023Lake Charles Exports, LLCRequest for Rehearing
38.06/21/2023U.S. Department of EnergyDOE/FECM Order No. 3324-D, 4011-C: Opinion and Order Denying Request for Regearing of Order Denying Application for Second Extension of Deadline to Commence Export of Liquefied Natural Gas to Non-Free Trade Agreement Countries
39.11/01/2023U.S. Department of EnergySupplement Analysis for the Application of Lake Charles LNG Export Company, LLC and Lake Charles Exports, LLC to Extend their Authorized Export Term through December 31, 2050
40.11/01/2023U.S. Department of EnergyDOE/FECM Order No. 2987-B; 3324-E; 4011-D - Order Extending Export Term for Authorizations to Free Trade and Non-Free Trade Agreement Nations through December 31, 2050
41.12/12/2024Lake Charles Export, LLCRevisions and Additions to Official Service List