Fact #918: March 28, 2016 Global Plug-in Light Vehicle Sales Increased by About 80% in 2015

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Although plug-in light vehicle (PEV) sales in the United States declined by 3% in 2015, sales in China more than doubled, surpassing all other countries in the number of PEVs sold. Western Europe as a whole had the second highest volume of PEV sales in 2015 and saw an increase of 80% over 2014. Though Japan and Canada had lower sales of PEVs by volume, they both had significant increases in PEV sales from the previous year. In 2011, global PEV sales were just 50,000 units. Four years later, global PEV sales have increased more than ten-fold to over 565,000.

Global Plug-in Light Vehicle Sales, 2011-2015

Global Plug-in Light Vehicle Sales, 2011-2015. Counties are China, Canada, Western Europe, Japan, and the United States.

Japan data are estimated based on sales reported through August 2015.
These countries/regions account for about 95% of global PEV sales.

Fact #918 Dataset

Supporting Information

Global Plug-In Light Vehicle Sales, 2011-2015
Western Europe14,16040,00071,233102,565184,500
United States17,76353,16997,102118,882115,262

Data compiled by Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, February 2016.

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