Supporting NNSA's missions

  • The Office of Communications develops and implements effective strategies to message to external and internal audiences. The mission of the Office of Communications is to make available timely and accurate information so that NNSA stakeholders – including the public, news media, and workforce – may understand and assess the facts about nuclear security, NNSA’s role in preserving it, and NNSA’s core mission objectives and priorities.

  • NNSA's Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs communicates, promotes, and defends the mission, goals, and budget of the NNSA through proactive outreach and relationship building with federal, tribal, state, and local stakeholders.​

  • The Office of Cost Estimating and Program Evaluation provides the administrator with independent, data-driven analysis on all aspects of the Nuclear Security Enterprise, leading to better mission planning and performance. Accurately estimating costs, assessing alternatives, and evaluating NNSA’s program performance are vital to national security and the responsible expenditure of taxpayer dollars.


  • NNSA's Office of the Associate Administrator for Information Management and Chief Information Officer (OCIO) is the principal organization for information management, information technology (IT), and cybersecurity for NNSA. It provides NNSA with enterprise cybersecurity capabilities and assists with the detection, analysis, and mitigation of cybersecurity threats and incidents. The office also has the responsibility for fostering a culture of information sharing and ensuring that IT investments and projects across NNSA are coordinated, have the necessary cybersecurity protections, and are in alignment with the NNSA Strategic Plan and DOE requirements and objectives.

    The office is responsible for NNSA computing activities, including:

    • application development, integration, and deployment
    • application hosting
    • video teleconferencing
    • brokering commodity desktop and voice service
  • Working closely with the NNSA Administrator, the Office of Policy and Strategic Planning generates enterprise-wide strategic planning, governance, and crosscutting policy solutions and initiatives that advance the priorities of the executive team. The office coordinates and integrates the development of enterprise-wide products and resources that impact the entire Nuclear Security Enterprise. The office:

    • Oversees NNSA’s enterprise-wide strategic planning processes and supports the development and integration of long-term priorities. 
    • Leads the annual laboratory, plant, and site strategic planning process, the planning stage of the Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Evaluation process, and other integrated strategic planning efforts. 
    • Spearheads NNSA’s integrated enterprise-wide governance and management initiatives, collaborating with program, functional, and field offices as well as management and operating partners. 
    • Serves as the lead integrator on crosscutting policy issues to facilitate the development of enterprise-wide NNSA policies that advance the agency's requirements and priorities. 
    • Provides strategic oversight and management of the process for developing and codifying internal directives and establishing NNSA's official position on DOE directives.