NNSA conducts its critical missions at sites nationwide. Learn more about the various locations.
Headquarters and Field Offices
NNSA is run from headquarters buildings spread over three sites: the Forrestal Building in Washington, D.C., home of the Department of Energy; the department's Germantown Building in Germantown, Maryland; and the John A. Gordon Albuquerque Complex at Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
In addition, NNSA oversees its contractor-operated national laboratories, production plants, and test and experiment facilities through field offices that are mostly co-located with the facilities they supervise. The field offices are responsible for ensuring compliance with federal contracts to manage and operate the national security assets located in California, Idaho, Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas.
To provide oversight for the diverse facility missions, each field office employs subject matter experts in specialties such as emergency management, physical security, cybersecurity, safety, national security, nuclear facility operations, environmental protection and stewardship, radioactive waste management, quality assurance, business and contract administration, public affairs, and project management.
Additionally, field offices engage with stakeholders, including leaders and members of surrounding communities, cities, local and tribal governments, and business and non-governmental organizations.
NNSA's Kansas City Field Office
The Kansas City Field Office provides oversight for the Kansas City National Security Campus (KCNSC) near Kansas City, Missouri. KCNSC is responsible for manufacturing and procuring nonnuclear components for nuclear weapons, including electronic, mechanical, and engineered material components. Its global security mission also involves the development of field-ready engineering solutions for other government agencies’ national security missions.
Contact: (816) 488-3341 or [email protected].
NNSA's Livermore Field Office
The Livermore Field Office in Livermore, California, provides oversight for Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The lab's defining responsibility is ensuring the safety, security, and reliability of the nation's nuclear deterrent. Its missions include mitigating dangers ranging from nuclear proliferation and terrorism to energy shortages and climate change. The lab’s science and engineering are being applied to achieve breakthroughs in counterterrorism and nonproliferation, defense and intelligence, energy and environmental security.
Contact:(925) 422-6265 or [email protected]
NNSA's Los Alamos Field Office
The Los Alamos Field Office in Los Alamos, New Mexico, oversees the Los Alamos National Laboratory. The lab solves national security challenges through scientific excellence. In addition to basic scientific work, it helps ensures a safe, secure, and effective nuclear weapon stockpile; protects against nuclear threats; and counters emerging risks and provides solutions to strengthen energy security.
Contact: (505) 667-6691 or [email protected]
The Washington Navy Yard
The Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program (Naval Reactors), headquartered in the Washington Navy Yard in Washington, D.C., oversees the Naval Nuclear Laboratory, which has locations in Idaho, New York, Pennsylvania, and South Carolina. The lab provides militarily effective nuclear propulsion plants for U.S. Navy combatants and ensures their safe, reliable, and long-lived operation.
Contact: (202) 781-6172
NNSA's Nevada Field Office
The Nevada Field Office in North Las Vegas, Nevada, provides oversight for the Nevada National Security Site, located 65 miles northwest of Las Vegas. The site safely conducts high-hazard operations, testing, and training in support of NNSA and its laboratories as well as a variety of federal agencies.
Contact: (702) 295-3521 or [email protected]
NNSA's Pantex Field Office
The Pantex Field Office provides oversight for the Pantex Plant in Amarillo, Texas. Pantex applies unique capabilities to ensure the effectiveness of the U.S. nuclear stockpile in support of the Nation’s nuclear deterrent. The site accomplishes this through executing nuclear explosive assembly and disassembly, special nuclear material testing and evaluations, and manufacturing and assessing high explosives at this historic site.
NNSA's Sandia Field Office
The Sandia Field Office in Albuquerque, New Mexico, oversees Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque and Livermore, California. Sandia works with other government agencies, industry, and academic institutions to provide service in the national interest and accomplish missions in nuclear weapons, defense systems and assessments, energy and climate, international, homeland, and nuclear security.
Contact: (505) 845-6036 or [email protected]
The Savannah River Site's Tritium Enterprise
The Savannah River Field Office in Aiken, South Carolina, provides oversight for NNSA operations at the Savannah River Site. The site’s primary NNSA mission is supplying and processing the nation’s tritium as part of the stockpile management program. These efforts include extracting new tritium from irradiated rods, recycling it from returned reservoirs, loading reservoirs, conducting reservoir surveillance operations, testing gas transfer systems, and conducting related research and development. It also supports nonproliferation and nuclear security through management and minimization of nuclear material.
Contact: 803-208-1581
NNSA's Y-12 Field Office
The Y-12 Field Office mission is to ensure the safe, secure and cost-effective operation of the Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Y-12 is a key facility in the U.S. Nuclear Security Enterprise and is responsible for ensuring the safety, security, and effectiveness of the nation’s nuclear weapons stockpile through the manufacture, refurbishment, surveillance, dismantlement and storage of nuclear weapons components. Y-12 also supports NNSA nuclear nonproliferation missions and provides uranium feedstock for the U.S. nuclear navy.
Contact: (865) 576-9918
The Nuclear Security Enterprise
Kansas City National Security Campus
NNSA’s Kansas City National Security Campus (KCNSC), located near Kansas City, Missouri, is responsible for manufacturing and procuring nonnuclear components for nuclear weapons, including electronic, mechanical, and engineered material components. It supports national laboratories, universities, and U.S. industry. KCNSC was formerly known as the Kansas City Plant. It is managed and operated by Honeywell Federal Manufacturing & Technologies, LLC.
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
NNSA's Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), located in Livermore, California, is a design laboratory that is responsible for the safety and reliability of the nuclear explosives package in nuclear weapons. It supports surveillance, assessment, and refurbishment of the nuclear weapons stockpile. LLNL also possesses unique high-energy-density physics capabilities and scientific computing assets. It is managed and operated by Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC.
Los Alamos National Laboratory
NNSA's Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), located in Los Alamos, New Mexico, is a design laboratory responsible for the safety and reliability of the nuclear explosives package in nuclear weapons. This lab possesses unique capabilities in neutron scattering, enhanced surveillance, radiography, and plutonium science and engineering. LANL is run by Triad National Security, LLC.
Naval Nuclear Laboratory
The Naval Nuclear Laboratory (NNL) provides broad support for the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program in the design, development, improvement, maintenance, training for operation of naval nuclear propulsion plants, and ultimate disposition of the plants. It consists of Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory in West Mifflin, PA; Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory in Niskayuna, NY; the Kenneth A. Kesselring Site in West Milton, NY; and the Naval Reactors Facility in Idaho. NNL is managed and operated by Fluor Marine Propulsion, LLC.
Nevada National Security Site
NNSA's Nevada National Security Site (NNSS) helps ensure the security of the United States and its allies by supporting the stewardship of the nuclear deterrent, providing emergency response capability and training, and contributing to key nonproliferation and arms control initiatives. It executes unique national-level experiments, supports national security customers, manages the legacy of the nuclear deterrent, and provide long-term environmental stewardship for site missions. NNSS was formerly known as the Nevada Test Site. It is run by Mission Support and Test Services, LLC.
Pantex Plant
NNSA's Pantex Plant, near Amarillo, Texas, maintains the safety, security and effectiveness of the nation’s nuclear weapons stockpile. Work performed at Pantex includes support of the nuclear weapons life extension programs; nuclear weapons dismantlement; the development, testing and fabrication of high explosive components; and interim storage and surveillance of plutonium pits. It is managed and operated by Consolidated Nuclear Security, LLC.
Sandia National Laboratories
NNSA's Sandia National Laboratories is responsible for the development, testing, and production of specialized nonnuclear components and quality assurance and systems engineering for all U.S. nuclear weapons. Sandia has locations in Albuquerque, New Mexico; Livermore, California; Kauai, Hawaii; and Tonopah, Nevada. It is managed and operated by National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC.
Savannah River Site
NNSA operates facilities at the Savannah River Site (SRS) near Aiken, South Carolina, to supply and process tritium, a radioactive form of hydrogen that is a key component of nuclear weapons. SRS loads tritium and non-tritium reservoirs; processes reservoirs; and recycles, extracts, and enriches tritium gas. SRS also plays a key role in NNSA's nonproliferation missions. SRS is run by Savannah River Nuclear Solutions.
Y-12 National Security Complex
NNSA's Y-12 National Security Complex, in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, is the nation’s only source of enriched uranium nuclear weapon components and provides enriched uranium for the U.S. Navy. It excels in materials science and precision manufacturing and stores enriched uranium. Y-12 supports efforts to reduce nuclear proliferation risk and performs work for other government agencies. It is managed and operated by Consolidated Nuclear Security, LLC.