
NNSA receives EPA award for Federal Facility Excellence in Site Reuse

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) honored the former Bannister Federal Complex in Kansas City, Missouri with a Federal Facility Excellence in Site Reuse Award.

National Nuclear Security Administration

August 29, 2023
minute read time
Bannister Federal Complex
Bannister Federal Complex

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) honored the former Bannister Federal Complex in Kansas City, Missouri with a Federal Facility Excellence in Site Reuse Award. These awards highlight the accomplishments of federal agencies, Tribes, local partners, and developers in restoring and reusing contaminated land at federal facilities.

“Receiving the EPA award for Federal Facility Excellence in Site Reuse is a testament to NNSA’s commitment to the communities with which we work,” said NNSA’s Associate Administrator for the Office of Infrastructure Nicole Nelson-Jean. The Office of Infrastructure manages the lifecycle of the Nuclear Security Enterprise and positions the agency to handle its growing infrastructure needs.

The U.S. government acquired the Bannister Federal Complex in 1942 and developed it to support the country’s efforts during World War II. The site was initially used to build aircraft engines. This industrial activity caused significant contamination that resulted in chlorinated solvents in soil and groundwater. In 2017, the 226-acre site was transferred to a private developer for site demolition and remediation. Three years later, the process of redeveloping the property into a warehouse and distribution industrial park began. The site is currently home to five modern industrial and distribution buildings with two additional buildings planned. This redevelopment effort is expected to bring approximately 1,500 jobs to this economically challenged area of Kansas City.

EPA has ongoing cleanup and property transfer responsibilities at nearly 2,400 federal facility sites. The agency promotes innovative, cost-effective cleanups at federal facilities by working with other federal agencies, Tribes, state and local governments, and community representatives to ensure that facilities meet environmental standards and undergo redevelopment for both public- and private-sector reuse. National Federal Facility Excellence in Site Reuse Awards are given to project teams who have demonstrated excellence in working cooperatively with the EPA to ensure that the reuse of a federal facility site complements the type of cleanup actions taken.

This award is a tremendous achievement and demonstrates NNSA’s ongoing efforts to recapitalize existing infrastructure, advance cleanup efforts, and encourage job growth. 

Learn more about the Office of Infrastructure.

  • Environmental and Legacy Management
  • Federal Facility Optimization and Management
  • Clean Energy
  • Justice 40
  • Community Benefit Plans