The U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (DOE/NNSA) will conduct low-altitude helicopter flights over the Las Vegas Strip and its surrounding areas, Sunday, December 29 through Tuesday, December 31, ahead of New Year’s Eve celebrations on the Las Vegas Strip.
National Nuclear Security Administration
December 17, 2024LAS VEGAS – The U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (DOE/NNSA) will conduct low-altitude helicopter flights over the Las Vegas Strip and its surrounding areas, Sunday, December 29 through Tuesday, December 31, ahead of New Year’s Eve celebrations on the Las Vegas Strip.
NNSA’s Nuclear Emergency Support Team (NEST) Aerial Measuring System aircraft will measure expected background radiation as part of standard preparations to protect public health and safety during the event.
The public may see a Leonardo AW-139 helicopter, which is equipped with radiation sensing technology. The helicopter will fly at relatively low levels.
These aerial radiation assessment surveys are a normal and routine part of security and emergency preparedness activities. NNSA is making the public aware of the upcoming flights so citizens who see the low-flying aircraft are not alarmed.
For more information and video footage of NNSA’s Aerial Measuring System, click here.
NEST is an element of the Nation’s nuclear and radiological emergency response capability.