Report on Part 810 Review Activities
National Nuclear Security Administration
June 23, 2021The United States controls the transfer of unclassified civil nuclear technologies pursuant to Section 57 b. of the Atomic Energy Act {AEA} of 1954, as amended, which prohibits U.S. persons from engaging or participating directly or indirectly in the production or development of special nuclear material outside the United States except as specifically authorized under an Agreement for Cooperation made pursuant to AEA section 123 (including a specific authorization in a subsequent arrangement under section 131) or as authorized by the Secretary of Energy pursuant to regulations codified at 10 CFR Part 810 (Part 810).
42 U.S.C. § 2077a(e) requires that the Department of Energy (DOE) submit a report, concurrent with the President's budget submission to Congress, on DOE activities associated with the review of applications for authorization under section 57 b. of the AEA to transfer U.S. civil nuclear technology to any foreign country.