Newsroom - Legacy

Media Inquiries:

Contact the Office of Public Affairs at (202) 586-4940 or [email protected]

Press Releases

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In the days immediately following the State of the Union, Cabinet officials are embarking on the “State of the Union: Cabinet In Your Community” road

Press Releases

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Grid Modernization Initiative Releases Multi-Year Plan and Awards Funding for Groundbreaking DOE-Wide Grid Modernization Laboratory Consortium


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Watch the Energy highlights from President Obama's final State of the Union address before Congress on January 12, 2016.


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The Energy Department was hard at work in 2015. Watch our video recap of another big year for the energy revolution.


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Ever wonder how holiday lights work? Tis the season to learn the ins and outs of our twinkling little friends, and how to fix them!


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As negotiations continue at COP21, get to know the attending countries’ carbon dioxide emissions, and how they compare to your home state.


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Learn about supercomputers and why they're important for science, energy and national security.


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Explore the 60-year history of computing at one of the nation's top laboratories, and find out what's next.


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This Energyween, take a look at the spooky (and not-so-spooky) critters that call the National Labs home.


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Now through Halloween, we're highlighting scarily effective ways to save energy -- and money -- at home. Get started with our energy-themed pumpkin...