Newsroom - Legacy

Media Inquiries:

Contact the Office of Public Affairs at (202) 586-4940 or [email protected]

Press Releases

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Funding will Support Expanded Deployment of Clean Energy Projects, Reducing Barriers for Communities to Access the Benefits of Clean Energy


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Remarks as Delivered by Deputy Secretary David Turk at the University of North Carolina CleanTech Summit in Chapel Hill, NC on Thursday, March 21, 2024.


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More powerful computing resources than ever before enabled fusion researchers to delve even deeper into the details of plasma.

Press Releases

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Study Finds Interregional Offshore Transmission Network Would Support Long-Term Growth of Atlantic Offshore Wind, Action Plan Identifies Immediate Steps and Extended Efforts


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Like Punxsutawney Phil emerging on a cold February day, clean energy investments are blooming across the country just ahead of spring.

Press Releases

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Funding Will Develop Tools to Clear Interconnection Queues and Improve Reliability During Extreme Weather Disruptions

Press Releases

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New Report from the “Pathways to Commercial Liftoff” Series Highlights Geothermal Energy’s Potential to Increase Production Twentyfold While Advancing the Clean Energy Transition

Press Releases

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The text of the following statement was released by the Government of the United States of America and European Union.

Press Releases

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New Assessment Shows That America’s Abundant Supply of Renewable Resources Can Produce Enough Sustainable Aviation Fuel to Exceed Projected 2050 Market Demand


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Decades of research supported by the Department of Energy informed a national strategy to measure and monitor greenhouse gas emissions.