Robert Boston

Mr. Boston is the manager of the Idaho Operations Office, responsible for oversight of the nation’s leading nuclear energy research, development, and demonstration laboratory at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL), including oversight of nearly 5,500 federal and contractor staff of a multi-program laboratory focused on innovative nuclear energy solutions, clean energy options, and securing world class critical infrastructure and carry out a safe environmental cleanup program.  He is the Safety Basis Approval Authority for all existing and new reactors at the INL.

Mr. Boston has a master’s degree in nuclear engineering, has emeritus status as a professional engineer and certified health physicist and is a federal project director. Mr. Boston was the Idaho State University (ISU) College of Engineering Outstanding Engineer of the Year 2015 and received the 2017 ISU College of Science and Engineering Professional Achievement award. He received two Secretary of Energy Honors awards, one for the COVID-19 Return to the Workplace Planning and Implementation Team, and for the Idaho Settlement Agreement Supplemental Agreement Negotiating Team. Mr. Boston was one of seven DOE leaders to be awarded the 2021 Presidential Rank Award.

Manager Idaho Operations Office

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