Industry FOA Awardees

2020 (2nd Round)

The following projects were selected under the Funding Opportunity Announcement titled "U.S. Industry Opportunities for Advanced Nuclear Technology Development" (DE-FOA-0001817) - 2nd round of calendar year 2020 (application due date of February 28, 2020)

Solid Black Line Divider
Solid Black Line Divider

Tier II: Advanced Reactor Development Projects

Electric Power Research Institute Logo

Electric Power Research Institute, Inc.

Palo Alto, CA and Charlotte, NC

Establishing Modular In-Chamber Electron Beam Welding (MIC-EBW) Phase II

Under this proposal the awardee will:

  • Develop and establish MIC-EBW capability at a major U.S. fabricator.
  • Reduce overall welding time by up to 90 percent compared to conventional welding technologies.
  • Successfully demonstrate a 10-foot (3.05-meter) diameter, 4.375-inch (110-millimeter) thick vessel EB weld in less than 90 minutes of welding time (current state of the art is several weeks).
  • Establish MIC-EBW capability to perform major reactor pressure vessel (RPV) girth welds for a NuScale Power design RPV.
  • Develop manufacturing process plans based on technology and required post weld inspection/heat treatment.

Electric Power Research Institute Abstract

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