Industry FOA Awardees

2019 (3rd Round)

The following projects were selected under the Funding Opportunity Announcement titled "U.S. Industry Opportunities for Advanced Nuclear Technology Development" (DE-FOA-0001817) - 3rd round of calendar year 2019 (application due date of April 31, 2019)

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Tier II: Advanced Reactor Development Projects

FirstEnergy Solutions Corporation LOGO PICTURE

FirstEnergy Solutions Corporation 

Akron, OH

LWR Integrated Energy Systems Interface Technology Development & Demonstration

FirstEnergy Solutions Corporation will develop a light water reactor (LWR) hybrid energy systems. The proposed project installs an electrolysis (LTE) unit at Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station. Major interfaces required for LWR hybrid operations (e.g. dynamic controls to apportion power output between the electrical grid and LTE unit) are addressed. A final report describing outcomes and business case opportunities will be shared with partners and third parties interested in LWR hybrid energy systems.

FirstEnergy Solutions Corporation Abstract

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Blue Wave Capital and Consulting, DBA Blue Wave AI Labs Company LOGO

Blue Wave Capital and Consulting, DBA Blue Wave AI Labs

Celebration, FL

Application of Machine Learning for Enhanced Diagnostic and Prognostic Capabilities of Nuclear Power Plant Assets

Blue Wave Capital and Consulting, DBA Blue Wave AI Labs will develop and provide Machine Learning solutions to improve and extend diagnostic and prognostic capabilities for predictive maintenance in nuclear plants. These solutions will integrate vast amounts of structured and unstructured historical data from ∼15 boiling water reactors (BWRs), collected over multiple fuel cycles, in order to capture the complete operational and dynamic environment of plant components.

Blue Wave Capital and Consulting Abstract

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Tier III: Regulatory Assistance Grants

TerraPower Company Logo

TerraPower LLC

Bellevue, WA

Advanced Fuel Qualification Methodology Report for TerraPower Traveling Wave Reactor

TerraPower LLC will develop an Advanced Fuel Qualification Methodology Report for TerraPower's Traveling Wave Reactor (TWR) fuel and to deliver the report to the NRC for review and approval. The Advanced Fuel Qualification Methodology Report will be developed for a metal-fueled sodium fast reactor. The processes and methodologies described will be generally applicable to other fuel types thereby helping the US industry address fuel qualification.

TerraPower LLC Abstract

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