This I-NERI 2009 Annual Report serves to inform interested parties about the program’s progress of current collaborative research projects.
January 10, 2010The International Nuclear Energy Research Initiative (I-NERI) is an international, research-oriented collaboration that supports advancement of nuclear science and technology in the United States and the world. I-NERI promotes bilateral scientific and engineering research and development (R&D) with other nations. Innovative research performed under the I-NERI umbrella addresses key issues affecting the future use of nuclear energy and its global deployment by improving cost performance, enhancing safety, and increasing proliferation resistance of future nuclear energy systems.
This I-NERI 2009 Annual Report serves to inform interested parties about the program’s progress of current collaborative nuclear energy research projects. Following is an overview of each section:
- Section 1 discusses background information on the events that led to the I-NERI program’s creation.
- Section 2 presents the countries and international organizations participating in current I-NERI collaborative agreements. This section also provides an overview of program goals and objectives, a work scope summary for the three constituent program areas, a description of the I-NERI organization, and an overview of funding since the program’s inception.
- Section 3 provides a summary of recent programmatic accomplishments and a list of participating organizations.
- Section 4 presents details of the R&D work scope for current I-NERI collaborative projects with Canada, the European Union (EU), France, Japan, and the Republic of Korea. For each participant, the report presents an index of projects and a summary of technical accomplishments achieved in fiscal year (FY) 2009.