About NEUP

The U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy created Nuclear Energy University Programs (NEUP) in 2009 to consolidate its university support under one program.

NEUP funds nuclear energy research and equipment upgrades at U.S. colleges and universities, and provides student educational support.

NEUP plays a key role in helping DOE accomplish its mission of leading the nation's investment in the development and exploration of advanced nuclear science and technology.

As stated in its Nuclear Energy Roadmap, the Department promotes nuclear energy as a resource capable of meeting the nation's energy, environmental and national security needs by resolving technical, cost, safety, security and proliferation resistance through research, development and demonstration.

Executive Committee

The NEUP Integration Office Executive Committee was created to help provide feedback and review of the program’s operations and initiatives.

The committee is comprised of professors and representatives from various nuclear energy research organizations and universities.

Committee Chair and NEAC Representative 
Mike Corradini, chair of the Nuclear Engineering Department at the University of Wisconsin in Madison.

NEDHO Representative 
Jasmina Vujic, a professor in the Nuclear Engineering Department at the University of California in Berkeley.

TRTR Representative 
Ralph Butler, director of the Reactor Program at the University of Missouri in Columbia.

Members at large 
Ken Nash, chemistry professor at Washington State University. 
Ken Lewis, dean of engineering, science and technology at South Carolina State University. 
Wes Hines, a nuclear engineering professor at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville.