Former Director, Office of Manufacturing and Energy Supply Chains
Giulia Siccardo is an experienced professional in the energy, automotive, and sustainability sectors. As the Director of the Department of Energy’s Office of Manufacturing & Energy Supply Chains, Ms. Siccardo was responsible for awarding tens of billions of dollars in government investments to strengthen and secure U.S. manufacturing capacity and workforce development, as well as administer the Defense Production Act for critical energy technologies. Her scope included batteries, hydrogen, heat pumps, solar, transmission, and zero-emission materials, among other technologies. She also oversaw DOE’s funding to develop and skill the US energy manufacturing workforce. In addition to her capital deployment responsibilities, Ms. Siccardo helped launch the Mapping, Modeling, and Analysis Consortium (MMAC), a partnership between MESC and DOE’s National Labs to further strategic supply chain analysis for DOE, the National Security Council, and other interagency and allied partner organizations.
Giulia Siccardo was previously a Partner at McKinsey & Company and the leader of McKinsey’s Green Growth service line. For over a decade, she has focused on scaling low-carbon systems and value chains across major corporations and emerging start-ups, covering zero-emissions energy, vehicles, and materials. In addition to her scale-up work, Siccardo has fostered new ways for corporations to work together to signal demand for emerging clean energy technology. Prior to joining DOE, she co-founded Frontier, a $1B+ advance market commitment by industry- leading corporations to catalyze high permanence carbon dioxide removals.
Siccardo previously worked at Adobe on clean energy procurement and data center decarbonization. Throughout her career, she’s been recognized for her leadership in advancing women in the energy, automotive & sustainability sectors.
Born in California, Siccardo holds a dual B.A. in Economics and Environmental Studies from Dartmouth College and an MBA from Harvard Business School.