Funding Amount
$10 Million
Funding Type
Rebate / Grant
Area of Focus
Manufacturing Capacity
Eligible Uses
Rebate for expenditures made by qualified entities for the purchase or installation of a qualified extended product system.
Purchaser of the qualified extended product system or manufacturer of commercial or industrial machinery or equipment that incorporates the qualified extended product system.
Period of Availability
Available until expended.
Funding Source
This grant implements section 1005 of the energy efficient transformer rebate program, of the Energy Act of 2020 as authorized by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL).
The application portal, website, and program are administered by ICF Incorporated under DOE BPA Award 89303023ASE000001.
Funding Details and Announcements
APR 20, 2022
Request for Information
AUG 1, 2023
Application Portal Opens
Applications for the Extended Product System Rebates Program are being accepted on a rolling basis.
Applications and notifications to the Department must be submitted to the Rebate Programs Portal. Following submission of an application, DOE will review and consider the completeness of the application data and may request supplementary information relating to the application. When DOE is satisfied that sufficient information has been reported, the application will be reviewed for eligibility consistent with section 1005 and this guidance.
MAY 2024
Program Announcement
The EPS program was expanded to include qualifying systems other than pumps, fans and air compressors. The efficiency criteria for air compressors qualified for the EPS program was updated.
Informational Webinar
Aug 9, 2023 | Energy Efficient Transformer and Extended Product Systems Rebate Programs Webinar
Stay up-to-date on all upcoming funding opportunities, announcements, and events.