The frontline of America's energy manufacturing and supply chain security.
Our Mission
MESC's mission is to enhance economic and national security by eliminating vulnerabilities in the United States' energy supply chains. MESC does this by catalyzing processing and manufacturing for energy resilience and independence; reinvigorating our manufacturing workforce through education and training; and guiding investment decisions and policy formulation through data-backed supply chain insights.
Our Areas of Focus
The Office of Manufacturing and Energy Supply Chains (MESC) plays a critical and unique role in catalyzing investments in America’s energy future to support the re-shoring, skilling, and scaling of U.S. manufacturing across energy supply chains. MESC addresses critical vulnerabilities in U.S. energy supply chains, serves as the frontline of energy manufacturing deployment, and ensures a resilient energy future through direct investments in manufacturing capacity and workforce development. MESC also develops and provides the energy supply chain focused analytical tools needed to inform programs and investments across DOE, the U.S. Government, and the private sector by identifying gaps, vulnerabilities, and other needs across U.S. clean energy supply chains.
The MESC portfolio includes: