Delivery and Receipt

Personal Property Acquired by Purchase Card at Headquarters

Delivery and Receipt

Receiving Items Purchased with the Purchase Card that are Shipped or Delivered by the Vendor
All personal property acquired by using the purchase card should generally be delivered to and processed by the receiving office (loading dock). This will ensure inventory control identification, as appropriate and recording in the personal property management records.

The following practices and procedures, as set forth by the Personal Property and Supply Management Team, Office of Logistics and Facility Operations, Office of Administration, are effective November 2007. These procedures were implemented to create a safe work environment, reduce damage to equipment, and increase workload efficiency.

Documentation and Receipt
Documentation is one of the most important aspects of the receiving process. It is used to verify delivery of the ordered items. Therefore, the documentation generated by the cardholder during the ordering process MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE APPROPRIATE RECEIVING OFFICE PRIOR TO DELIVERY. The MA-432 Receiving Office phone numbers, and fax numbers are provided, as follows, for each location.

  • Forrestal Loading Dock – Phone: (202) 586-6930/6928; Fax (202) 586-6967
  • Germantown Loading Dock – Phone:  (301) 903-5388; Fax (301)903-3790

Delivery Addresses for the Loading Docks

U.S. Department of Energy
Forrestal Building
1000 Independence Avenue, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20585

U.S. Department of Energy
Germantown Building
19901 Germantown Road
Germantown, MD 20874

The documentation to be provided to the Receiving Office by the ordering office consists of the telephone quote worksheet, or equivalent, and must include the following:

  • Name of Vendor
  • Description of commodity being purchased
  • Quantity of commodity being purchased
  • Cost of item(s) being purchased
  • Appropriation data
  • Name of ordering office's point-of-contact
  • Phone number of ordering office's point-of-contact
  • Expected delivery date
  • Warranty information

The Forrestal and Germantown loading docks must have prior notice of delivery for any item(s) ordered through the Purchase Card. Deliveries made to the Forrestal and Germantown loading docks, which do not have supporting ordering documentation on file at the receiving location, may be rejected if the consignee does not provide the required information in advance.

In addition, due to space constraints at the Forrestal loading dock, program offices are required to limit accountable equipment delivery volumes to 25 single packages per every 3 days.

It is recommended that the ordering office check with the vendor on packaging methods prior to supplying the vendor with a delivery address (e.g., an order of five (5) computers may be packaged as 10 or 11 boxes – 5 computers, 5 monitors and a box of cables, etc.)

The Receiving Personnel will make an attempt to locate the ordering office for any order received and not documented at the time of delivery. If documentation cannot be obtained, the delivery will be rejected. The ordering office will have to make new delivery arrangements.

Delivery of Orders to Customers
Once the property is tagged, the Receiving Office will be notified by the property office staff to proceed with delivery of the order.

Purchases Hand Carried by the Cardholder or Delivered Directly to the Cardholder
Personal property purchased and hand carried by the cardholder or delivered directly to the cardholder requires inventory control identification and recording in the personal property management records, as appropriate. Immediately following the purchase of the personal property, the cardholder will advise the property management office, in writing, (e.g., via e-mail, facsimile, intra-office mail, etc.) requesting that the equipment/property be identified and recorded, as appropriate. Written confirmation should include the following information:

  • Cardholder name, office symbol, telephone number, building, and room number;
  • Brief description of the personal property, including the cost;
  • Model and Serial Nos. of the personal property; and
  • Receipt verification witness name, office symbol, telephone number, and building and room number.

Tagging Government Personal Property

Tagging of Accountable Property
The Forrestal and Germantown Receiving Office will notify the appropriate property office staff of the delivery by providing the Property Office with a copy of the ordering documentation (telephone quote worksheet). A "Date of Receipt" will be noted on the documentation by the Receiving Office. The appropriate property office staff will prepare the documentation needed for tagging and will physically tag the property.

The ordering documentation (telephone quote worksheet) and the tagging documentation (create sheet) will be used in the data entry process and filed. The files are kept for six (6) years before forwarding to the Records Archive.

Tagging Equipment
Government personal property must be tagged for accountability and control purposes at the time of receipt of the property. All equipment and sensitive Government personal property is assigned an individual identification tag number for tracking purposes, inventory, and disposal.

The identification tag is a bar code, pressure-sensitive label and is affixed to the item of Government personal property by a member of the Asset Management Staff. When it is deemed impractical to affix an identification number bar-code label because of the size or delicacy of the item, the identification number is assigned, referencing the serial number of the item, and recorded in the official Government personal property database.

Accountable personal property is identified and marked according to the DOE Property Management Regulations (PMR), Title 41, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), and Chapter 109.

Tagging Equipment Purchased by a Government Credit Card or Purchase Order
Program Offices should provide the Property Office a copy of the telephone quotation worksheet or purchase order. This documentation should include a description of what was ordered, quantity ordered, a unit price, vendor name, and warranty information. This paperwork should be emailed to the property mailbox at [email protected] or faxed to the respective Property Office.

Forrestal Property Office
Room GG-087
Fax: (202) 586-0958

Germantown Property Office
Room R-003/R-006
Fax: (301) 903-3790

Removing/Using DOE-Tagged Property Offsite
To remove DOE-tagged property from any Headquarters building, you must have a Property Removal Authorization (PRA) form, HQ F 1400.25. The HQ F 1400.25 is available from the sunflower database or electronically.  The form must be completed and signed by an Authorized Property Pass Signer. Any DOE-tagged equipment removed must have the DOE tag number on the Property Removal Authorization.

Using DOE-Tagged Computers at Home
Computers and related items may be authorized for home use; however, in accordance with DOEPMR 109-1.5102, Government personal property must be used only to perform official U.S. Government work. Items must be made available for inventory when requested.

MAAdm updated 04/12/23