Safety and Health

All-terrain vehicles are used to safely perform work at some locations.
All-terrain vehicles are used to safely perform work at some locations.

LM is responsible for ensuring safe and healthy work conditions for all LM employees; contractors; subcontractors; and visitors, including regulators, at its legacy sites, offices, and other work areas.

LM implements safety and health programs and systems at its legacy sites and evaluates and determines the adequacy of worker safety and health programs for federal employees, as well as programs used by contractors.

LM provides safety program management, technical oversight, and expertise in the fields of:

  • Industrial safety and hygiene
  • Occupational safety
  • Construction safety
  • Radiation protection
  • Fire safety
  • Accident/incident investigation and reporting
  • Occurrence reporting
  • Employee safety complaints
  • Emergency preparedness
  • Safety and health technical training

LM implements the Federal Employees Occupational Safety and Health (FEOSH) Program, Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations 851 Worker Safety and Health Programs, Integrated Safety Management and related programs at the LM facilities and sites to ensure compliance with federal and state laws, DOE Orders, codes, standards, guides, federal and state regulations, and industry best practices.

Safety and Health oversees transportation and packaging of materials.
Safety and Health oversees transportation and packaging of materials.


Brian Stewart, LM Safety and Health Program Manager
U.S. Department of Energy Office of Legacy Management
11035 Dover Street, Suite 600, Westminster, CO 80021
(720) 377-3814

Workers wear personal protective equipment (PPE) while performing acid-neutralization activities.
Workers wear personal protective equipment (PPE) while performing acid-neutralization activities.