Ref No. | Reference |
1 | Rocky Flats Strategic Plan, Department of Energy Rocky Flats Field Office, September 1994 |
2a | Making Contracting Work Better and Cost Less, February 1994 Report of the Contract Reform Team – The Report |
2b | Making Contracting Work Better and Cost Less, February 1994 Report of the Contract Reform Team – The Appendices |
3 | FINAL Rocky Flats Cleanup Agreement, July 1996 |
4 | Estimating the Cold War Mortgage, The 1995 Baseline Environmental Management Report (BEMR), March 1995 |
5 | Rocky Flats Future Site Use Working Group Recommendations for Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, June 1995 |
6 | Comment Response Document, Rocky Flats Sitewide Environmental Impact Statement, 1994 |
7 | Interim End State Plan Task Descriptions, September 1995 |
8a | Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site Draft ACCELERATED SITE ACTION PROJECT, October 1995 – The Report |
8b | Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site Draft ACCELERATED SITE ACTION PROJECT, October 1995 – The Appendices |
9a | Phase II - Choices for Rocky Flats, Accelerated Site Action Project, Draft Revision 1, February 1996 – Part 1 Introduction |
9b | Phase II - Choices for Rocky Flats, Accelerated Site Action Project, Draft Revision 1, February 1996 – Part 2 Presentation of Alternatives |
9c | Phase II - Choices for Rocky Flats, Accelerated Site Action Project, Draft Revision 1, February 1996 – Part 3 Alternative Comparative Analysis |
9d | Phase II - Choices for Rocky Flats, Accelerated Site Action Project, Draft Revision 1, February 1996 – Part 4 Path Forward |
9e | Phase II - Choices for Rocky Flats, Accelerated Site Action Project, Draft Revision 1, February 1996 – Part 5 Appendices |
10 | Barbara A. Mazurowski ltr. (01-00021) to Robert G. Card, Safety Concerns, January 5, 2001 |
12 | Contract No. DE-AC34-95RF00925, Modification M014, Signed December 13, 1995 |
13 | Contract No. DE-AC34-95RF00925, Modification M135, Signed November 1999 |
14 | 1996 Baseline Environmental Management Report, June 1996 |
15 | Accelerating Cleanup: Focus on 2006 ("Ten Year Plan"), June 1997 |
16 | 10 Year Plan, Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, Draft Version 1.0, July 1996 |
17 | Rocky Flats Closure Project Management Plan, June 1998 |
18a | Rocky Flats Interagency Agreement, January 1991 The State of Colorado, The USEPA, and the USDOE – The Report |
18b | Rocky Flats Interagency Agreement, January 1991 The State of Colorado, The USEPA, and the USDOE – The Appendices |
20 | Albuquerque Operations Office Environment, Safety, and Health Division Environmental Programs Branch, Comprehensive Environmental Assessment and Response Program, Phase 1: Installation Assessment Rocky Flats Plant, April 1986 |
21 | Settlement Agreement and State Compliance Order on Consent No. 94-07-07-01 EPA Docket #: CERCLA-VIII-91-03 & RCRA-VIII-91-07, August 1994 |
22 | Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, DRAFT FINAL Soil Action Levels Technical Memorandum (Waiver No. CEX-105-01), June 2003 |
23 | FY2005 FINAL Historical Release Report, June 2006 |
24a | Environmental Restoration RFCA Standard Operating Protocol (ER RSOP) for Routine Soil Remediation, Modification 1, September 2003 – The Report thru Section 13Introduction, Regulatory And Stakeholder Interfaces, Site Description, Interfaces, Accelerated Action Decisions, Project Approach, Environmental Protection And Monitoring, Worker Health And Safety, Work Controls, Waste Management, Quality Assurance, Decision Management |
24b | Environmental Restoration RFCA Standard Operating Protocol (ER RSOP) for Routine Soil Remediation, Modification 1, September 2003 – The Report Section 14 and AppendicesEnvironmental Consequences, Records Disposition, References |
25 | RSOP for Soil and Asphalt Management, August 2001 |
26 | Decommissioning Program Plan, October 1998 |
27 | Decontamination and Decommissioning (D&D) Characterization Protocol, Revision 3, April 2001 |
28 | Building 771/774 Cluster Closure Project Reconnaissance Level Characterization Report, Revision 2, AUGUST 1998 |
29 | Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site PRE-DEMOLITION SURVEY -REPORT (PDSR), Building 771, Area AF, REVISION 0, September 2004 |
30 | RFCA Standard Operating Protocol (RSOP) for Recycling Concrete, September 1999 |
31 | RFCA Standard Operating Protocol for Facility Disposition, August 2000 |
32 | RFCA Standard Operating Protocol for Facility Component Removal, Size Reduction, and Decontamination Activities, February 2001 |
33 | Contract No. DE-AC34-00RF01904, US Department of Energy ROCKY FLATS FIELD OFFICE and KAISER-HILL COMPANY, LLC, February 2000 |
34 | RFCA Attachment 8, Regulatory Milestones, July 1996 |
35 | Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge Final Comprehensive Conservation Plan and Environmental Impact Statement (DPP/EIS), September 2004 |
36 | Rocky Flats Baseline Performance Review Report, June 2005, Appendix A, LL - 27 Interaction of EPA, State and Stakeholders on Regulatory Agreement |
37 | Contract No. DE-AC34-95RF00925, US Department of Energy ROCKY FLATS FIELD OFFICE and KAISER-HILL COMPANY, LLC, April 1995 |
39 | Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site Closure Project Baseline, Revision 5, June 2000 |
40 | Rocky Flats Baseline Performance Review Report, June 2005, Appendix A, LL - 02 Contract type CPIF easier to Manage |
42 | Rocky Flats Baseline Performance Review Report, June 2005, Appendix A, LL - 05 Improvements to contract |
43 | Kaiser-Hill 1st Qtr FY 2004 Government Furnished Services and Items (GFS/I) Request, no date provided |
44 | Rocky Flats Baseline Performance Review Report, June 2005, Appendix A, LL - 04 Improvements to contract |
45 | Rocky Flats Baseline Performance Review Report, June 2005, Appendix A, LL - 14 Contract Language |
46 | Rocky Flats Baseline Performance Review Report, June 2005, Appendix A, LL - 03 Improvements to contract fee payment process |
47 | Rocky Flats Baseline Performance Review Report, June 2005, Appendix A, LL - 01 Contract Language |
48 | Rocky Flats Baseline Performance Review Report, June 2005, Appendix A, LL - 06 Improvements to contract related to fee schedules-recommendation for fixed quarterly payments |
49 | Rocky Flats Baseline Performance Review Report, June 2005, Appendix A, LL - 25 Federal Worker Mindset |
51 | DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Accelerated Closure of Rocky Flats: Status and Obstacles, April 1999, GAO/RCED-99-100 |
52 | NUCLEAR CLEANUP Progress Made at Rocky Flats, but Closure by 2006 Is Unlikely and Costs May Increase, February 2001, GAO-01-284 |
53 | Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site Closure Project Baseline, Revision 3, 1999 |
54 | Project Control System Description, March 2000 |
55 | Rocky Flats Baseline Performance Review Report, June 2005, Appendix A, LL - 11 Cost savings and improved performance by consolidating Procurement systems |
56 | Rocky Flats Baseline Performance Review Report, June 2005, Appendix A, LL - 12 Waste Generation rates are Poor Project metric |
57 | Rocky Flats Baseline Performance Review Report, June 2005, Appendix A, LL - 07 Broader Interpretation of Risk Management Needed |
58 | Building 771/774 Basis For Operations, December 1999 |
60 | Decommissioning Closeout Report for the 779 Cluster Interim Measure/Interim Remedial Action, February 1998 |
61a | Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site Building 707/707A Decommissioning Basis for Interim Operation (DBIO), Revision 4, February 2002 – DOE Approval Report |
61b | Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site Building 707/707A Decommissioning Basis for Interim Operation (DBIO), Revision 4, February 2002 – Executive Summary and Intro |
61c | Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site Building 707/707A Decommissioning Basis for Interim Operation (DBIO), Revision 4, February 2002 – Chapter 2 |
61d | Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site Building 707/707A Decommissioning Basis for Interim Operation (DBIO), Revision 4, February 2002 – Chapter 3 |
61e | Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site Building 707/707A Decommissioning Basis for Interim Operation (DBIO), Revision 4, February 2002 – Chapter 4 |
61f | Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site Building 707/707A Decommissioning Basis for Interim Operation (DBIO), Revision 4, February 2002 – Chapter 5 |
61g | Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site Building 707/707A Decommissioning Basis for Interim Operation (DBIO), Revision 4, February 2002 – Chapter 6 |
61h | Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site Building 707/707A Decommissioning Basis for Interim Operation (DBIO), Revision 4, February 2002 – Chapter 7 |
61i | Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site Building 707/707A Decommissioning Basis for Interim Operation (DBIO), Revision 4, February 2002 – The Appendices |
62a | Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site Safety Analysis Report, February 2001 – Chapters 1 & 2 (Introduction and Site Description and Characteristics) |
62b | Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site Safety Analysis Report, February 2001 – Chapter 3 (Site Configuration, Support Systems and Uti1ities) |
62c | Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site Safety Analysis Report, February 2001 – Chapters 4 & 5 (Site Hazard Analysis and Natural Phenomena and External Events) |
62d | Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site Safety Analysis Report, February 2001 - Chapter 6 (Safety Management Programs) |
62e | Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site Safety Analysis Report, February 2001 – Chapters 7 & 8 (Site Controls and Transportation Safety Analysis) |
62f | Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site Safety Analysis Report, February 2001 – Appendices A - G (Acronyms, Glossary, Facilities Listing, Fuel Gas Systems, Steam And Condensate System, Domestic Water System, Building 666 Safety Analysis) |
62g | Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site Safety Analysis Report, February 2001 - Appendices H - I (B881 Safety Analysis And RCRA Safety Analysis) |
62h | Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site Safety Analysis Report, February 2001 – Appendix J (Outdoor Waste Management |
62i | Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site Safety Analysis Report, February 2001 – SAR Approval |
62j | Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site Safety Analysis Report, February 2001 – Page Change Approvals |
62k | Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site Safety Analysis Report, February 2001 – More Page Change Approvals |
63 | Site Safety Improvement Plan, Revision 6, April 16, 2001 |
64 | EM-RFO--EGGR-771OPS-1994-0062, A Pu-containing liquid was drained from a process line. Line draining was not within the scope of procedure being used, August 1995 |
65 | EM-RFO--KHLL-779OPS-1999-0006, D&D Worker in Building 779 Received Finger Laceration While Working in Glovebox 955 in Room 133, September 1999 |
66 | EM-RFO--KHLL-NONPUOPS1-2002-0002, Beryllium Sample Results Above Action Level, September 2002 |
67 | EM-RFO--KHLL-771OPS-2000-0057, Bioassay Results On Eleven Workers Above Decision Level, October 2001 |
68 | EM-RFO--KHLL-371OPS-2003-0011, During D&D Operations Combustibles In Glovebox Ignited Causing A Fire Which Was Contained Inside of The Glovebox, December 2004 |
69 | Kaiser-Hill Comprehensive Corrective Action Plan, January 2004 |
70 | EM-RFO--KHLL-D&DOPS-2004-0003, Declaration of Operational Emergency Alert-Star: Fire Department Response to Report of Smoke From B991, December 2004 |
71 | Rocky Flats Baseline Performance Review Report, June 2005, Appendix A, LL - 16 Walk-down of job site prior to initiation of work |
72 | Rocky Flats Baseline Performance Review Report, June 2005, Appendix A, LL - 17 Review standard work packages prior to start of work |
74 | Site Safety Continuous Improvement Plan, Revision 1, February 13, 2002 |
75 | Rocky Flats Baseline Performance Review Report, June 2005, Appendix A, LL - 15 Separation of Private Vehicles and Commercial Traffic |
76 | Rocky Flats Baseline Performance Review Report, June 2005, Appendix A, LL - 24 Site Directives |
77 | Rocky Flats Baseline Performance Review Report, June 2005, Appendix A, LL - 22 Mutual Aid Agreements |
78 | Rocky Flats Baseline Performance Review Report, June 2005, Appendix A, LL - 23 Fire Services |
79 | Rocky Flats Closure Project Weekly Toolbox, May 17, 2004 |
80 | Consolidation and Interim Storage of Special Nuclear Material at the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact (DOE/EA-1060) |
81 | Disposition of Surplus Highly Enriched Uranium Final Environmental Impact Statement (DOE/EIS-0240) |
82 | Storage and Disposition of Weapons-Usable Fissile Materials Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (DOE/EIS-0229) |
83 | Surplus Plutonium Disposition Environmental Impact Statement (SPD EIS) (DOE/EIS-0283) |
84 | Final Environmental Impact Statement on Management of Certain Plutonium Residues and Scrub Alloy Stored at the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site (DOE/EIS-0277F) |
85 | Variance Request RFPE-DOE-5633.3B-VR-062, Safeguard Termination Authorization for All Attractiveness Level D Waste Derived from Plutonium Bearing Residues; RFPO transmittal letter AME:SPD:SB:03002, dated 8/20/1998 |
86 | DOE-STD-3013-2004, Stabilization, Packaging, and Storage of Plutonium-Bearing Materials, April 2004 |
87 | Defense Nuclear Facility Safety Board Recommendation 94-1, May 1994 |
88 | William L. Stockho to Distribution, Plutonium Stabilization and Packaging (PuSPS) Project Lessons Learned, August 2003, WLS -003-02 |
89 | Final Close-out Report for Building 123 Decommissioning Project as Required by RFCA, September 1998 |
90 | Technical Basis Document for the Characterization of Surface Contaminated Objects, March 2001 |
91 | 771 Closure Project Decommissioning Operations Plan, Modification 5, August 2003 |
92 | Facilities Disposition Program Manual, Revision 3, MAN-76-FDPM, October, 2001 |
94 | Rocky Flats Baseline Performance Review Report, June 2005, Appendix A, LL - 21 Shipping of Large Waste Items |
95 | Rocky Flats Baseline Performance Review Report, June 2005, Appendix A, LL - 10 Use of "Pilot Project" status to streamline property disposal |
96 | Rocky Flats Baseline Performance Review Report, June 2005, Appendix A, LL - 29 Disposition of equipment, after its useful life, for a closure site |
97 | Rocky Flats Citizen's Advisory Board Weekly Fax 10/28/96 - 11/1/96, November 1996 |
99 | Preparation of Justifications for Continued Operation (PRO-528-NSP-450), Version 1, October 2004 |
100 | Rocky Flats Baseline Performance Review Report, June 2005, Appendix A, LL - 18 Shipment of Waste |
101 | Branch Technical Position on Concentration Averaging and Encapsulation, January 1995 |
103 | Environmental Restoration Program Health and Safety Plan for the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site (PRO-1468-HASP-01), September 2001 |
105 | Final RFCA Attachment 5, Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site Action Levels and Standards Framework for Surface Water, Ground Water, and Soils, May 2003 |
106 | Kaiser Hill Rocky Flats Environmental Restoration Program Project Management Plan, August 2000 |
107 | RFCA Attachment 5, Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site Action Levels and Standards Framework for Surface Water, Ground Water, and Soils, July 1996 |
109 | Strategy For Land Configuration Design Basis Project, January 2001 |
110a | Industrial Area and Buffer Zone Sampling and Analysis Plan, Modification 1, May 2004 – Chapters 1 – 5 (Introduction, Site Description, Data Quality Objectives, Sampling Strategy, Data Analysis Procedures) |
110b | Industrial Area and Buffer Zone Sampling and Analysis Plan, Modification 1, May 2004 – Chapters 6 – 10 and Appendices A & B (Data Management, Project Organization, Quality Assurance and Quality Control, Health and Safety, Schedule, References, and Appendices: A; SAP Modifications, B: Example Addendum: IHSS Group 700-4) |
110c | Industrial Area and Buffer Zone Sampling and Analysis Plan, Modification 1, May 2004 – Appendix C "Existing Data Compilation" Part 1 (IHSS Group 000-1 thru 600-6) |
110d | Industrial Area and Buffer Zone Sampling and Analysis Plan, Modification 1, May 2004 – Appendix C "Existing Data Compilation" Part 2 (All remaining IHSS Groups, References) |
110e | Industrial Area and Buffer Zone Sampling and Analysis Plan, Modification 1, May 2004 – Appendices D – J (Accelerated Action Ecological Screening Evaluation, Potential Contaminants of Concern, Contaminants of Concern, Method Detection Limits, and Reporting Limits, Acronyms, Quality Assurance Project Plan, Elevated Measurement Comparison, 903 Pad Linear Regression Case Study, Example Data Aggregation Problem) |
110f | Industrial Area and Buffer Zone Sampling and Analysis Plan, Modification 1, May 2004 – Appendix K (Response to Comments) |
110g | Industrial Area and Buffer Zone Sampling and Analysis Plan, Modification 1, May 2004 – Appendix L - (Modification 2 - Response to Comments, Maps) |
111 | Rocky Flats Baseline Performance Review Report, June 2005, Appendix A, LL - 08 Site Management after Remediation |
112 | Rocky Flats Baseline Performance Review Report, June 2005, Appendix A, LL - 25 Safeguards and Security at a Closure Site |
113 | Demonstration Summary Sheet-New Alpha Detection Instrumentation Developed for Characterizing SCO Waste, October 2002 |
114 | Demonstration Summary Sheet-New Decontamination and Measurement Process for Gloveboxes Minimizes TRU Waste, March 2002 |
115 | Rocky Flats Baseline Performance Review Report, June 2005, Appendix A, LL - 19 Correct shipping containers |
116 | Demonstration Summary Sheet-Polyurethane foam developed to block and brace waste container contents, June 2003 |
117 | Demonstration Summary Sheet-Structural foam/encapsulant for leaded gloveboxes cuts worker risk and project cost, June 2003 |
118 | Demonstration Summary Sheet-Aviation ground support equipment adapted for nuclear waste load-out at Rocky Flats, November 2003 |
119 | Rocky Flats Baseline Performance Review Report, June 2005, Appendix A, LL - 20 Waste Handling |
120 | Demonstration Summary Sheet-Transporting low-level radioactive waste from Rocky Flats using railcars, October 2004 |
121 | Demonstration Summary Sheet-Polyurea Coating Becomes Shipping Container for Radioactive Waste, September 2002 |
122 | Demonstration Summary Sheet-Mobile WIPP-Certified Standard Waste Box Counter, February 2001 |
123 | Demonstration Summary Sheet-Waste Tracker system improves TRU waste management at Rocky Flats, November 2003 |
124 | Demonstration Summary Sheet-Gas Generation Testing Technology, February 2001 |
125 | Demonstration Summary Sheet-Coated tarp material used as transportation package for non-compliant cargo containers, November 2002 |
126 | Demonstration Summary Sheet-Chemical decontamination of gloveboxes and tanks improves safety, reduces TRU waste, no date provided |
127 | Demonstration Summary Sheet-Raschig Ring Vacuum System, no date provided |
128 | Demonstration Summary Sheet-Vac &Ship system removes gravel from B776 suspected buried equipment sites, June 2003 |
129 | Demonstration Summary Sheet-Plasma-arc Cutting Technology, February 2001 |
130 | Demonstration Summary Sheet-Passive Aerosol Generator reduces worker risk during decontamination activities, July 2003 |
131 | Demonstration Summary Sheet-Ultra-high Pressure Water Jet Used to Remotely Cut B774 Tank, October 2002 |
132 | Technology @ Rocky Flats, Chipless Duct Cutter Used To Remove Zone 1 Duct, June 2006 |
133 | Technology @ Rocky Flats, Explosive Cutting, June 2006 |
134 | Technology @ Rocky Flats, Building Interior Powered Hydraulic Equipment, June 2006 |
135 | Demonstration Summary Sheet-New Treatment Rids RFETS of Largest Low-Level Mixed Waste Stream, June 2003 |
136 | Demonstration Summary Sheet-New pumping and centrifuge systems successfully remove tank sludge, July 2003 |
137 | Demonstration Summary Sheet-Hydrolasing Technology for the Cleanup of Radiologically Contaminated Surfaces, September 2002 |
138 | Demonstration Summary Sheet-Contamination Survey Rate Logger System increases accuracy of contamination surveys, July 2003 |
139 | Demonstration Summary Sheet-OST Support Resolves B771 Stack Characterization, March 2002 |
140 | Demonstration Summary Sheet-Radio frequency alarms support "cold & dark" deactivation at Rocky Flats, July 2003 |
141 | Technology @ Rocky Flats, Explosive Demolition, June 2006 |
142 | Technology @ Rocky Flats, Temporary Structures for Remediation of High-Contamination Areas, June 2006 |
143 | Demonstration Summary Sheet-Ground Water Contamination REMEDIATION AND STEWARDSHIP, February 2001 |
144 | Demonstration Summary Sheet-Information management to support Remedial Action Program, August 2003 |
145 | Demonstration Summary Sheet-Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) and Environmental Measurement while Drilling (EMWD), no date provided |
146 | Technology @ Rocky Flats, Pipe Overpack Containers, June 2006 |
148 | NRC Docket 71-9218; TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report, Rev. 21, May 2005 |
150 | Wirth-Lamm Task Force on Rocky Flats, October 1975 |
152 | Long-Range Rocky Flats Utilization Study (ALO-1983), February 1983 |
153 | Blue Ribbon Citizen's Committee Final Report on the Department of Energy Long-Range Utilization Study, December 1983 |
154 | Final Report Colorado Environment 2000 Governor's Citizen Advisory Committee, June 1990 |
155 | Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge Act, December 2001 (Pub. L. No. 107-107 && 3171-3182, 115 Stat. 1012, 1379-1388) |
156a | From Swords to Plowshares, A Plan for the Reuse of the Industrial Area of the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, September 1998– The Report |
156b | From Swords to Plowshares, A Plan for the Reuse of the Industrial Area of the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, September 1998 – Appendices A-D and Other I (Summary of Public Engagement Process, List of Informational Interviews, Local Government Briefings, FSUWG Participants), and (Public Engagement Reports, Local Government Actions/Resolutions, RF Citizens Advisory Board Activities, Citizen's Comments, Citizen's Comments on the RF Reuse Web Site, Newspapers and Magazines) |
156c | From Swords to Plowshares, A Plan for the Reuse of the Industrial Area of the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, September 1998 – Appendices Other II (RFLII Market Overview, RF Environmental Conditions, Industrial Area Infrastructure Evaluation) |
156d | From Swords to Plowshares, A Plan for the Reuse of the Industrial Area of the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, September 1998 – Appendices Other III (Facility Assessment for the Industrial Area Reuse Study) |
157 | Natural Heritage Resources of the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site and Their Conservation, Phase II: The Buffer Zone, Final Report, Final Rev., February 1996 |
158 | Natural Resources Management Policy Rev. 0, September 1998 |
159 | A Review of the Environmental Management Program, Presented to the Assistance Secretary For Environmental Management by the Top-to-Bottom Review Team, February 2002 |
160 | Press Release, Department of Energy Announces a New Office of Legacy Management, February 2003 |
161 | Statement of Michael W. Owen, Director Worker and Community Transition, Department of Energy, Before The Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, Committee on Armed Forces, United States Senate, April 2003 |
162 | Site Transition Plan for the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, March 2005 |
163 | Environmental Statement Land Acquisition Rocky Flats Plant Colorado (WASH-1518), April 1972 |
164 | Letter, Karen Imbierowicz to Spencer Abraham and Gale Norton, January 7, 2005 |
165 | Federal Register, Vol. 70, No. 54, Pg. 14452-14457 |
167 | Public Law 109-163, NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2006, Section 3112, January 2006 |
169 | Rocky Flats Baseline Performance Review Report, June 2005, Appendix A, LL - 28 Transitioning regulatory documentation/td> |
172 | Jessie M. Roberson memorandum (OOM:JMR:00092) to Direct Reports, RFPO, Revocation of Delegations of Authority, September 6, 1996 |
173 | Rocky Flats Field Office Site Closure Handbook, Revision 1, February 1998 |
174 | Preliminary Assessment Rocky Flats Field Office Federal Workforce Transition and Site Closure, November 2002 |
175 | Rocky Flats Field Office Function and Position Analysis, July 2003 |
176 | Assessment of Rocky Flats Field Office Calendar Year 2003 Reduction in Force (Assessment No. RFPO-04-0024), August 2004 |
177 | Contract between American Federation of Government Employees, AFL-CIO Local 1103 and the U. S. Department of Energy Rocky Flats Field Office, Signed December 2, 1998 |
178 | MARS 2001 Multiple Appraiser Rating System A Guidebook to RFFO's Performance Appraisal System (Revision 5), April 2001 |
179 | Contract, American Federation of Government Employees and the U. S. Department of Energy, Rocky Flats Field Office, December, 1998 |
180 | Eugene C. Schmitt ltr. (03-DOE-00540) to To Whom It May Concern, May 13, 2003 and other associated documents |
183 | FINAL REPORT Technical Project Summary Radionuclide Soil Action Level Oversight Panel, February 2000 |
184 | Risk Communication, Fugitive Values, and the Problem of Tradeoffs at Rocky Flats, A REPORT prepared by Theresa Satterfield and Josh Levin, Decision Research for the U. S. Department of Energy Low Dose Radiation Research Program, December 2002 |
185 | Nuclear Cleanup of Rocky Flats DOE Can Use Lessons Learned to Improve Oversight of Other Sites' Cleanup Activities (GAO-060352), June 2006 |
186 | Moore, LeRoy, ROCKY FLATS The bait-and-switch cleanup, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, January/February 2005 |
187 | Hand-in-Hand: Stewardship and Cleanup Report from the Rocky Flats Stewardship Working Group to The Rocky Flats Coalition of Local Governments and The Rocky Flats Citizens Advisory Board, March 2001 |
188 | Rocky Flats Long-Term Stewardship Strategy, Final Draft, June 2003 |
191 | Max H. Dodson, Gary Baughman, and Frazer Lockhart ltr. to Distribution, Re: Removal of the 13 Areas of Elevated Surface Soil at the 903 Lip Area, September 27, 2005 |
193 | Service Level Agreement Between The Environmental Management Consolidated Business Center (EMCBC) and The Rocky Flats Project Office (RFPO), April 2005 |
194 | An Analysis of the Potential for Redirection of the Rocky Flats Environmental Restoration Program (Preliminary Draft for Discussion Purposes Only), February, 1994 |
195 | Kaiser Hill Company LLC (Kaiser-Hill) Post-Closure Access to Records Databases and Applications, June 2006 |
196 | Facility Decommissioning Cost Model Summary of Model and Supporting Documentation, Revision 3, April 2000 |
197 | Demonstration Summary Sheet-Harmonic Delamination: "Sonic Shakedown" makes Smart Work out of Risky Work, no date provided |
198 | Measurement Plan for Holdup Characterization of Building 771, Revision 1 (4-81 232-97-PLAN-HOLDUP-00 1), April 1998 |
199 | Rocky Flats Site History, events leading to the creation of the weapons complex and events at the Rocky Flats Site from the 1930s to present, February 2002 |
200 | Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site Property Management Manual (1-MAN-009-PMM), REVISION 1, September 1999 |
202 | Draft Risk Based End State Vision Document for the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, no date provided |
203 | Eugene C. Schmitt memorandum (OOM:BJ:03-00919) to Rocky Flats Field Office Employees Grades 15 and below, Information Notice of Reduction-In-Force, July 30, 2003 |
204 | EM-RFO--KHLL-NONPUOPS1-2002-0003, Building 865 Rigging Incident October 2002 |
205 | EM-RFO--KHLL-NONPUOPS1-2002-0004, Active Fire Suppression Line Cut During Equipment Dismantlement, November2002 |
206 | EM-RFO--KHLL-NONPUOPS1-2002-0005, Improper Respiratory Protection in Beryllium Area, December 2002 |
207 | EM-RFO--KHLL-NONPUOPS1-2002-0006, Personal Injury While Size Reducing Metal, January 2003 |
208 | EM-RFO--KHLL-NONPUOPS1-2002-0007, Load Slipped Out of Rigging During Lift, December 2002 |
209 | Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site Proposed Plan, July 2006 |
210a | Attachment A, Omnibus Agreement Regarding Accelerated Closure Contract Issues (Omnibus Paper), Revision 5, March 2005. – The Omnibus Transmittal Letter |
210b | Attachment A, Omnibus Agreement Regarding Accelerated Closure Contract Issues (Omnibus Paper), Revision 5, March 2005. - The Omnibus Agreement ("Attachment A" in the name of the document reflects the original intent to make the Agreement an addendum to the Closure Contract. The action to do so was never formalized.) |
210c | Attachment A, Omnibus Agreement Regarding Accelerated Closure Contract Issues (Omnibus Paper), Revision 5, March 2005. – A-1 Inspection and Acceptance of Draft Remedial Investigation / Feasibility Study and Draft Comprehensive Risk Assessment |
210d | Attachment A, Omnibus Agreement Regarding Accelerated Closure Contract Issues (Omnibus Paper), Revision 5, March 2005. - A-2 Industrial Area Culvert Disposition, May 26,2004 (over-sized map) |
210e | Attachment A, Omnibus Agreement Regarding Accelerated Closure Contract Issues (Omnibus Paper), Revision 5, March 2005. - A-3 Buffer Zone Culvert Disposition, December 7,2004 (over-sized map) |
210f | Attachment A, Omnibus Agreement Regarding Accelerated Closure Contract Issues (Omnibus Paper), Revision 5, March 2005. - A-4 Schematic for Current Flow and Water Transfer Network at the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, 1/22/03 |
210g | Attachment A, Omnibus Agreement Regarding Accelerated Closure Contract Issues (Omnibus Paper), Revision 5, March 2005. - A-5 Categorical Exclusion (CX) Determination - WO/CX03-03, Joseph R. Rau memo (01632), Categorical Exclusion (CXO3-03) Breaching of C-1 Dam and Removal of Concrete Spillway, December 4,2003 |
210h | Attachment A, Omnibus Agreement Regarding Accelerated Closure Contract Issues (Omnibus Paper), Revision 5, March 2005. - A-6 Conceptual IA Grading, Drawing No. 51754-C6OO7 Issue 12 (over-sized map) |
210i | Attachment A, Omnibus Agreement Regarding Accelerated Closure Contract Issues (Omnibus Paper), Revision 5, March 2005. - A-7 Conceptual IA Grading: Central Avenue Grading and Drainage FC-5 (Draft), June 11, 2004 (11 x 17" map) |
210j | Attachment A, Omnibus Agreement Regarding Accelerated Closure Contract Issues (Omnibus Paper), Revision 5, March 2005. - A-8 Buffer Zone Debris Removal Locations, March 4, 2004 (over-sized map) |
210k | Attachment A, Omnibus Agreement Regarding Accelerated Closure Contract Issues (Omnibus Paper), Revision 5, March 2005. - A-9 Rocky Flats Debris Locations- as compiled by FWS biologists and Ken Brakken, 3/3 1/2004 |
210l | Attachment A, Omnibus Agreement Regarding Accelerated Closure Contract Issues (Omnibus Paper), Revision 5, March 2005. - A-10 Status, Issues and Actions for Disposition of Problematic Orphan Waste Streams, 4/21/04, Revised January 13,2005 |
210m | Attachment A, Omnibus Agreement Regarding Accelerated Closure Contract Issues (Omnibus Paper), Revision 5, March 2005. - A-11 Frazer R. Lockhart memo (00205), Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site Orphan Radioactive Waste Streams, 03/16/04 |
210n | Attachment A, Omnibus Agreement Regarding Accelerated Closure Contract Issues (Omnibus Paper), Revision 5, March 2005. - A-12 Orphan Waste Shipment Status, January 13,2005 |
210o | Attachment A, Omnibus Agreement Regarding Accelerated Closure Contract Issues (Omnibus Paper), Revision 5, March 2005. - A-13 Closure Sectors |
210p | Attachment A, Omnibus Agreement Regarding Accelerated Closure Contract Issues (Omnibus Paper), Revision 5, March 2005. - A-14 Closure Contract Physical Completion Declaration, Inspection and Acceptance (Full Completion / 2-Step Process) |
210q | Attachment A, Omnibus Agreement Regarding Accelerated Closure Contract Issues (Omnibus Paper), Revision 5, March 2005. - A-15 Joseph A. Legare letter (000209), January 18,2005 (re consultative process for the Draft CRA) |
210r | Attachment A, Omnibus Agreement Regarding Accelerated Closure Contract Issues (Omnibus Paper), Revision 5, March 2005. - A-16 Proposed Closure Groundwater Monitoring Network, Draft, November 11,2004 (11 x 17" map) |
210s | Attachment A, Omnibus Agreement Regarding Accelerated Closure Contract Issues (Omnibus Paper), Revision 5, March 2005. - A-17 Verification Procedure for Contract Requirement No C. 1.2 (5), Physical Structures 3 Feet Below Final Grade, December 2,2004, Revision 3 |
210t | Attachment A, Omnibus Agreement Regarding Accelerated Closure Contract Issues (Omnibus Paper), Revision 5, March 2005.– memo: KH continue to manage waste after Physical Completion |
211 | Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site 2010 Closure Project Baseline Validation Final Report, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, July 1999 |
212a | Baseline Confidence Review, 2006 Rocky Flats Closure Project Plan, U. S. Department of Energy Rocky Flats Field Office, Ernst&Young LLP, September 1999 – Sections 1 – 3 (Executive Summary, Scope of Work and Approach, Conclusions) |
212b | Baseline Confidence Review, 2006 Rocky Flats Closure Project Plan, U. S. Department of Energy Rocky Flats Field Office, Ernst&Young LLP, September 1999 – Sections 4.1 – 4.4 (Detailed Results of Study: Planning Assumptions, Closure Plan Methodology, Risk Management, Schedule Review) |
212c | Baseline Confidence Review, 2006 Rocky Flats Closure Project Plan, U. S. Department of Energy Rocky Flats Field Office, Ernst&Young LLP, September 1999 – Sections 4.5 – 4.7 and Appendices A - D (Detailed Results of Study: Cost Review, Waste Management, Environmental Restoration and Appendices: Interview List, Acronyms and Abbreviations, Waste Generation Inventory and Shipping Forecast, Basis of Schedule Estimate, and Programmatic Risk Scores) |
213 | External Independent Review (E.I.R.) of the Rocky Flats Integrated Closure Project Baseline (ICPB), June 2001 |