DOE has the unique authority under the Atomic Energy Act to dispose or transfer property under certain conditions or to access the services of the General Services Administration to dispose excess real property. During the last 10 years, DOE has transferred more than 30 sites, facilities or property rights (e.g., easements) to other federal agencies, tribal nations, local governments, and private companies.
LM is responsible for nearly 13,000 acres of the DOE’s land holdings. LM’s preference is to transfer excess properties and facilities to other public or private sector parties for management and reuse. LM's Office of Site Operations (LM-20) is responsible for:
- Setting real estate policy and providing guidance to LM for acquisitions, leases, and disposal of real property.
- Working with other agencies and external organizations to transfer real property from DOE.
- Approving realty access agreements, realty activities in transition plans, and other permits for all sites entering and currently in LM’s inventory.
- Negotiating and executing LM’s real estate instruments including covenants or easements granted to states, and easements and other deed restrictions that are acquired on non-federal property as institutional controls.
- Negotiating, approving or executing, and managing real property leases for office space and special purpose space.
- Requesting and managing Bureau of Land Management public domain withdrawals and rights-of-way.
- Supporting other DOE organizations in reviewing transition plans and closure plans to facilitate transfer of real and personal property assets to other agencies, private organizations, or private interests.
- Supporting and coordinating Brownfields redevelopment and conservation efforts, including working with the DOE Office of Environment, Safety, and Health, and the Office of Management, Budget, and Evaluation.