Lakeview, Oregon, Disposal/Processing Sites

Lakeview, Oregon, Disposal/Processing Sites map.

Lakeview, Oregon, Disposal Site

The Lakeview disposal site, a Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act (UMTRCA) Title I disposal site, is licensed to DOE for custody and long-term care, and managed by the Office of Legacy Management. The site transitioned to DOE in 1995 and requires routine inspection and maintenance, records-related activities, and stakeholder support. 

Lakeview, Oregon, Processing Site

The former Lakeview processing site is regulated under Title I of the Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act (UMTRCA). All surface and subsurface soils at the Lakeview processing site were cleaned up from 1986 to 1988 to meet the standards in Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 192. After cleanup, the site was transferred to private ownership. The city of Lakeview and Lake County passed ordinances for institutional controls that safeguard and protect human health and the environment by restricting access to contaminated groundwater beneath the site. The controls require a domestic water line hookup or a domestic well with a minimum depth of 250 feet. DOE voluntarily monitors groundwater for select constituents as a best management practice and also conducts well maintenance, records-related activities, and stakeholder support.

For more information about the Lakeview disposal and processing sites, view the fact sheet.

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Video courtesy of the Department of Energy Office of Legacy Management