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The Fernald Preserve Visitors Center commemorates the rich and varied history of the Fernald Preserve, Ohio, Site. The visitors center offers a series of exhibits focused on the Cold War uranium metals production industry, the subsequent environmental cleanup, and today's ongoing legacy management. The site's uranium production and environmental cleanup eras are placed within a broad historical perspective, acknowledging geologic history and the indigenous American Indians and Euro-American settlers who lived on the land.
Admission to the visitors center is free, and meeting spaces at the facility are available free of charge for noncommercial use by organized groups. The visitors center is a 10,000-square-foot, platinum-certified U.S. Green Building Council Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED-certified) facility.
To learn more about the Fernald Preserve, go to the site webpage, where you will find general site information, community updates, regulatory documents, remediation history, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) Administrative Record, and other site related links.
Check out the Fernald Preserve Programs and Outreach brochure to learn more about free educational programs for your classroom or event today.
Hours of Operation, Prohibited Activities, No Pets Policy, Driving Directions, and Contact Us
Public Programs, Private Programs/Speaker Request, Meeting Spaces, and Self-Guided Activities