Core Values

People – We recognize people are our most important resource and respect and value our collective experience, skills, and diversity.

Safety – We protect the health of the public and our workers and promote safe work practices at all of our offices and sites.

Business Excellence – We are fiscally responsible and actively pursue continuous improvement through the implementation of leading business practices.

Communication – We share information in a clear and concise manner throughout all levels of the organization and leverage all communication platforms. 

Leadership and Teamwork – We value leadership and teamwork and encourage active participation in program decision-making.

Stakeholder Focus – We openly communicate with all of our stakeholders in a timely manner and actively seek opportunities to improve our services.

Environmental Stewardship – We consult with our communities to make informed decisions that comply with environmental laws, regulations, and agreements; and demonstrate respect for the environment.

Integrity – We implement ethical practices in executing our mission and ensure our integrity is not compromised.