The publicly-available review shows consistency with cleanup processes.
August 7, 2020In July 2020, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) released its review of soil samples collected in 2019 to analyze plutonium levels near the Rocky Flats Site in Colorado. Sampling — conducted by the Jefferson Parkway Authority, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and third parties — took place northwest of Denver on the Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge and property east of the refuge.
The multi-disciplinary review can be viewed on the CDPHE Rocky Flats web page and includes:
- Summary review of 2019 soil sampling data by Colorado State University.
- 2019 Geographic Information System soil sample results map.
- Literature review on plutonium.
- Summary of the RESRAD dose assessment.
CDPHE provided the following summary statement in its report:
“Together, these efforts paint a consistent picture: remaining Rocky Flats plutonium in the Jefferson Parkway transportation corridor and offsite poses a small risk, well within regulatory limits for radiation. This conclusion is consistent with previous findings and the cleanup process.”
To view the report, go to
To view the soil sample location map, go to,39.8624,-105.1323,39.9194.