LM Names Employee of the Year

The Office of Legacy Management named the Philip C. Leahy winners at a virtual and in-person ceremony

Office of Legacy Management

June 21, 2024
minute read time
LM awarded IT Specialist Annette Moore with the Philip C. Leahy Employee of the Year Award June 12.

The Office of Legacy Management (LM) awarded IT Specialist Annette Moore as the Philip C. Leahy Employee of the Year, June 12, at an in-person and virtual ceremony.

The award, which was established in 2017, recognizes LM employees who demonstrate the qualities of an outstanding team player as described by John C. Maxwell’s “The 17 Essential Qualities of a Team Player.” According to Maxwell, a few of the qualities that define a team player are someone who is dependable, enthusiastic, prepared, self-improving, and tenacious.

Philip C. Leahy, for whom the award is named, set up what is now the LM Field Support Center in Grand Junction, Colorado, and later served as the site’s manager under the Atomic Energy Commission. Leahy personified the qualities of a team player by accomplishing his mission as part of the Manhattan Project and by setting an example of excellence that LM still upholds today.

Nominations for the award come from peers and supervisors and are judged by the LM deputy director and two office deputies. LM recognized six employees with Leahy awards and named Moore Employee of the Year.

During the ceremony, LM Director Carmelo Melendez read a letter detailing the reasons for Moore’s nomination. In the letter, Moore’s colleagues described her as confident, driven, enthusiastic, organized, and ready to tackle any challenge.

Afterwards, Director Melendez added, “Annette is bold, a critical thinker, and is consistently helping others every day. I thank you for your hard work and leadership.”

Moore appeared overwhelmed upon hearing the news of her award. 

“You know you have a great job when you are doing work that you like more than half the time, and working with people you like all the time,” Moore said, getting emotional. “I am so lucky to work with people I like all the time. It’s been excellent to be part of a team that wants to do better.” 

Other Employee of the Year nominees and Leahy award winners were Site Manager Sara Woods, Realty Specialist Katherine “Cristy” Chester, Site Manager Melissa Lutz, Physical Scientist Jennifer O’Brien, and DRUM Program Manager Paige Schwartz. 

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