We invite you to read the Draft Office of Legacy Management (LM) 2016-2025 Strategic Plan, now posted for public comment.
October 12, 2015We invite you to read the Draft Office of Legacy Management (LM) 2016-2025 Strategic Plan, now posted for public comment. This will be our fourth strategic plan since the office was established in December 2003 and will replace the current strategic plan that covers 2011–2020. The comment period will close December 4, 2015.
The 2016–2025 Strategic Plan is similar to our 2011–2020 version. We continue to learn and grow as an organization, adopting more effective and efficient ways to carry out our responsibilities to you and to the environment.
To give you a quick idea of how this plan has evolved over the years, we’ll start by observing that the job of the Strategic Plan is not to suggest we keep on doing the same things as before. The Strategic Plan is a resource allocation plan on behalf of our mission and toward our vision.
The point is not maintaining the status quo, but rather to put our efforts – your money – where it can have the greatest impact on accomplishing our mission and goals. You’ll see that we’re now planning to do more of some things, less of others, none of some things we used to do, and some new things entirely.
- Today, we have 90 sites. We anticipate receiving an additional 39 sites over the 10-year period of this plan. That would bring us to 129 sites by 2025.
- We believe more effective collaboration with other government agencies, non-profit organizations, and the public, will improve our ability to achieve our goals and objectives. This plan emphasizes that commitment by including a new goal focused on public and intergovernmental engagement.
- The President and the Congress have challenged the federal government to operate more effectively and sustainably. We will need to find ways to meet these new goals and requirements.
- DOE has authorized our contractors to terminate contractor pension plans by converting retiree benefits to either lump sum payments or insurance company annuities. This has lowered the Department’s liability and reduced the financial risk to other LM commitments.
- Funding requests for retiree pension plans were reduced from $40 million to $0; retiree pension plan assets now equal or exceed liabilities.
- DOE contractors have implemented health reimbursement arrangements for Medicare-eligible retirees at two sites. This has expanded insurance options for retirees while lowering the cost to the taxpayer.
- LM shutdown, and no longer supports, the Job Opportunities Bulletin Board and Workforce Information systems. The functions previously provided by these systems were either discontinued or are now supported by other DOE programs or the contractor community.
- All funds appropriated for economic development and workforce restructuring have been spent and we received approval to discontinue an Annual Report to Congress on Workforce Restructuring.
- LM is the Department’s lead for an interagency effort to address the environmental impact of over 4,000 uranium mines that provided ore to the Atomic Energy Commission.
- LM is responsible for managing the records and information systems associated with the Yucca Mountain project.
- We are evaluating the potential impacts of climate change on remedy performance and the management of natural resources on LM sites.
- LM is responsible for auditing claims submitted by uranium/thorium mill site licensees to determine if costs are eligible for reimbursement under the Title X program.
We would appreciate you making the time to read and provide any comments on our draft strategic plan at /lm/downloads/draft-lm-2016-2025-strategic-plan.
Comments can be made by email to
[email protected]
or sent to
Mr. Tony Carter, LM-1
1000 Independence Ave. SW
Washington, DC 20585
We know that you’ll tell us where you think we’ve gone astray, and we need that. We would also appreciate hearing about instances where you found us doing something right.