DOE Plans to Transfer Portion of FUSRAP Site to New Jersey Borough

Middlesex Sampling Plant proposal subject to 45-day public-comment period.

Office of Legacy Management

February 16, 2023
minute read time

WHY THIS NOTICE: The United States Department of Energy (USDOE) intends to transfer a portion of the Middlesex Sampling Plant (MSP) Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) Site at 239 Mountain Avenue in Middlesex, New Jersey, to the Borough of Middlesex. This notice is to make the public aware of this transfer and provides availability of the Finding of Suitability for Early Transfer (FOSET) documents for this transfer. The FOSET supports the USDOE’s proposal to transfer approximately 4.018 acres of the northern portion of the MSP, to the Borough of Middlesex. The FOSET parcel is bordered to the east by residential properties, to the north by a commercial property and railroad property, to the west by a former auto salvage yard, and to the south by the remainder of the MSP property. The FOSET is available for public review and comment from February 20th to April 5th, 2023.

WHAT IS PROPOSED: The proposed property transfer will be conducted according to Section 120 (h)(3) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), deferring the CERCLA covenant warranting that all remedial actions necessary to protect human health and the environment have been taken. Following the 45-day public comment period, the USDOE will respond to public comments, modify the FOSET or its proposal to transfer if appropriate, and prepare a Covenant Deferral Request Package for the property. This package will be submitted to the Governor of the State of New Jersey, who may approve this request if the Governor determines the property is suitable for transfer. Once all necessary remedial actions have been taken on the property, the USDOE will execute and deliver the CERCLA covenant to the property owner. The property proposed for early transfer and covenant deferral are described in the FOSET.

WHERE TO FIND PROJECT DOCUMENTS: Additional documents providing information on the environmental condition of the property are listed in the FOSET. These documents are available online at the weblinks provided below or may be viewed at the following location:


Middlesex Public Library 1300 Mountain Avenue, Middlesex, New Jersey

Please submit written comments on the FOSET by email to [email protected] or by mail to the following address:

US Department of Energy
11035 Dover Street, Ste: 600, Westminster, CO 80229
Attn: Middlesex Sampling Plant FOSET

Please include your name and mailing address or email address with your comments so a response to your comment can be sent to you.

  • Environmental and Legacy Management
  • DOE Notices and Rules
  • NEPA
  • Energy Justice
  • Justice 40