Jobs at the National Labs

The Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management (OREM) released the second of its four-part video series spotlighting the site’s environmental research.

The Department of Energy's National Laboratories offer jobs, internships and fellowships to talented individuals. Many also have educational resources from community outreach programs to online learning modules.

Visit the National Labs' jobs and internship/education pages to explore the outstanding opportunities available across one of the most productive and sophisticated research systems in the world:

Ames National Laboratory
Jobs | Internships/Education

Argonne National Laboratory
Jobs | Internships/Education

Brookhaven National Laboratory
Jobs | Internships/Education

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Jobs | Internships/Education

Idaho National Laboratory
Jobs | Internships/Education

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Jobs | Internships/Education

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Jobs | Internships/Education

Los Alamos National Laboratory
Jobs | Internships/Education

National Energy Technology Laboratory
Jobs | Internships/Education

National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jobs | Internships/Education

Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Jobs | Internships/Education

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Jobs | Internships/Education

Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Jobs | Internships/Education

Sandia National Laboratory
Jobs | Internships/Education

Savannah River National Laboratory
Jobs | Internships/Education

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Jobs | Internships/Education

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Jobs | Internships/Education