Building America’s Clean Energy Future Map Methodology


The Announced Investments in American-Made Energy Map shows announced supply-chain investments across clean energy technologies since President Biden took office—January 21, 2021. It details the company, technology, product, reported investments, and potential jobs as announced publicly when that information was available. Many facilities are conditional on financing, funding, site control, and other facts. Inclusion on this map does not imply that these facilities will come online as reported.

The data for this map are gathered from public announcements: directly from the company, from governmental sources, from news outlets, or from other reputable sources. Federal investment data is gathered from DOE program offices.  Investments listed are not inclusive of all federal investments within a given sector and include only those that directly deal with clean energy manufacturing. Dollar investment amounts and employment totals are only included if they are reported in the public announcements; many facilities therefore lack investment and employment estimates. For a detailed breakdown of private vs federal funding, please download the dataset at

The information is subject to change. The map and data behind it are for general informational purposes only. The U.S. Department of Energy does not guarantee that the data is complete or free of error. Please email us if you would like to submit a comment, correction, or provide the information for a facility announcement to be included on the map.

  • The data for “Batteries” includes minerals extraction and processing, battery component manufacturing, battery cell manufacturing, and battery pack manufacturing. The category “Minerals, Materials, and Components” includes formally announced mines for lithium, cobalt, nickel, manganese, graphite, and silicon, processing to convert raw minerals to battery-grade materials, and manufacturing facilities to produce cathodes, anodes, electrolytes, separators, and other battery precursors. Battery cell and pack manufacturing includes commercial- and pilot-scale manufacturing to produce electrochemical energy storage.

  • The data for "EV Manufacturing" includes electric vehicle assembly, electric vehicle components, and electric vehicle chargers. Announcements are tied to manufacturing of equipment and vehicles, not deployment. The following vehicle types are included: light-, medium- and heavy-duty vehicles; non-road vehicles / mobile machinery; motorcycles; low-speed EV; aircraft; and watercraft.  Most announcements are in the on-road vehicle space. Only battery electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles are included. Investments in component manufacturing were only included if it is relevant for the electric vehicle drivetrain; body/interior/HVAC are not included. EV chargers include manufacturing of any vehicle chargers, including Level 2 AC chargers, DC Fast Chargers, and wireless charging. 

  • The Heat Pumps & Clean HVAC Technology category includes manufacturing announcements related to high efficiency and low carbon heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) and water heating systems, including electric heat pumps for space and water heating applications. This category considers additional manufacturing capacity for complete products and systems, as well as increasing supplies of major components that contribute to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions, such as heat pump compressors and low global warming potential (GWP) refrigerants. 

  • The data for “land-based wind” includes manufacturing of Tier 1 components as well as other lower tier land-based wind components. Tier 1 components include blades, towers, nacelles (or their related assembly), and lower tier components include cables and mechanical gears. Only utility-scale land-based wind announcements are included, but not distributed wind announcements.

  • The data for “Hydrogen: electrolyzers & fuel cells” currently includes facilities that manufacture electrolyzers, fuel cells, or their components, such as membranes, electrodes, or stacks. Tracked announcements cover several different types of electrolyzer and fuel cell technologies (e.g. solid oxide, polymer electrolyte membrane), and cover fuel cell announcements for both stationary and vehicle applications.  The data does not currently include facilities that manufacture other components within the hydrogen supply chain, such as equipment used for other methods of hydrogen production, hydrogen distribution, or other methods of hydrogen utilization.  

  • The data for “nuclear energy” includes facilities for uranium conversion and enrichment, fuel and fuel component manufacturing, reactor component manufacturing and servicing regardless of reactor size, and microreactor assembly. 

  • ​​​​​​​The data for “offshore wind” includes manufacturing, port, and vessel construction. Announcements cover the breadth of the offshore wind component supply chain from the production of turbine blades to the secondary steel used on foundations, to the ports and vessels needed for installation, maintenance, and operation of offshore wind energy facilities.

  • ​​​​​​The data for “Solar” includes solar panels, solar panel parts, and other solar hardware. Announcements cover the length of the solar supply chain from the production of solar polysilicon, to the tools needed to process that polysilicon into silicon wafers, to the glass, plastic, and other materials needed to assemble a solar panel, all the way to the trackers and inverters needed to mount and connect solar modules to the electrical grid. Only announcements of manufacturing for terrestrial solar applications are included, and announcements for mixed-use technologies (such as metallurgical grade silicon production or the manufacture of grid transformers) were only included if the announcement cited solar as the intended application of the products.

  • The data for “land-based wind” includes manufacturing of Tier 1 components as well as other lower tier land-based wind components. Tier 1 components include blades, towers, nacelles (or their related assembly), and lower tier components include cables and mechanical gears. Only utility-scale land-based wind announcements are included, but not distributed wind announcements.