This page provides a text version of the video “2023 Office of Indian Energy Program Review.”
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[Animated words “U.S. Department of Energy Office of Indian Energy 2023 Program Review]
>>Tommy Jones, Deployment Specialist, Office of Indian Energy: The Office of Indian Energy Program Review is held annually, and we bring in recipients of our grant awards. They present on the barriers, the successes, the meaningful impacts these projects have in their communities.
>>Wahleah Johns, Director, Office of Indian Energy: We have Tribal Leaders, we have people who have been supporting Tribes, so contractors and different firms, that understand or have been in partnership with Tribes to actually achieve their energy vision.
>>David Conrad, Deputy Director, Office of Indian Energy: The thing that stands out the most to me is, it’s people who are actually involved in projects on the ground.
>>Mike Stevenson, Senior Engineer, Office of Indian Energy: It’s a great opportunity for Tribes to collaborate and share what went well and more importantly share what challenges and issues they have had. It’s always a collaborative environment.
>>Lizana Pierce, Senior Engineer and Deployment Supervisor, Office of Indian Energy: The Program Review is a great example of the transfer of that information, transfer of that knowledge from one Tribe to the other. You can see everybody say ‘call me’ or ‘come visit’.
>>David Karabelnikoff, Tribal Energy Innovators Fellow, GRID Alternatives: It’s been really fun to be around so many folks that are passionate about renewable energies. So, it’s been a really great place to meet new people as well as see familiar faces.
>>Tommy: We’re seeing just the interest and what Tribes are achieving, it’s growing. And it’s not a small number of Tribes, it’s a lot of different communities. So, what we’re seeing is occurring all over the nation and that’s really a great change to see.
>>Wahleah: It’s really fun to really witness this federal support of even just convening meetings and facilitating meetings, and how it’s sparking a lot of ideas and partnerships that I think is key to growing their economy again.
>>Tommy: I grew up at times without electricity or running water. The work that these energy champions are doing in their communities is just fulfilling, it’s amazing. I know that they are helping not only future generations, but the current generations live better and be more prosperous. And just to have a small role in that is just the best part of my job.
[Animated words "Learn more,”]
[Animated Facebook and Twitter logos with word @DOEIndianEnergy]
[Animated Office of Indian Energy logo]
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