Meeting Requests

To request a meeting with the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Indian Energy leadership or staff, please email us at [email protected] with the following information at least a week or two prior to the meeting date. If your request is submitted with less than a week advance notice, our office may not have adequate time to plan and accommodate your request.

  • Purpose of meeting request
  • Contact name, organization, title, email address, and phone number
  • Meeting request date and time (or range of possible dates and times)
  • Estimated duration of the requested meeting
  • Meeting format (in person, phone call, or virtual meeting)
  • Organization website URL

An Office of Indian Energy representative will review your request and contact you. Please note requests will take a few days and possibly a week or more to process, so please plan accordingly. Also, note that a submission does not guarantee that we can accommodate the request; however, we will do our best.