Presentations from the Tribal Leader Energy Forum on solar in Palm Springs, CA.
Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs
December 19, 2011December 19-20, 2011
Palm Springs, California
Spa Resort Casino Hotel
The Office of Indian Energy hosted a Tribal Leader Energy Forum on "Solar Development in the Southwest" December 19-20, 2011, in Palm Springs, California. The forum focused on commercial- and community-scale project development and financing and provided an opportunity for tribal leaders to discuss their experiences and get real-time, regional market snapshots of:
- Solar power purchasing
- Project finance options and structures
- Emerging issues or trends that are facilitating or obstructing projects from financial closings
This is one in a series of Office of Indian Energy-sponsored strategic energy development and investment Tribal Leader Energy Forums. The DOE Office of Indian Energy Tribal Leader Energy Forum series is supported by the National Conference of State Legislatures through a cooperative agreement.