Presentations from the Tribal Leader Energy Forum on military energy goals in Chandler, AZ.
Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs
May 30, 2013May 30-31, 2013
Chandler, Arizona
Wild Horse Pass Hotel and Casino
The Office of Indian Energy Tribal Leader Energy Forum on "Leveraging Tribal Renewable Resources to Support Military Energy Goals" was held May 30-31, 2013, in Chandler, Arizona. The forum provided information for western U.S. tribal leaders and military leaders on the renewable energy resource development potential on tribal lands and focused on opportunities for partnerships between tribes and military installations to promote energy development on tribal lands and achieve military energy security goals. Tribal leaders also had the opportunity to directly converse with each other and key military leadership by participating in a roundtable discussion to share ideas on how to capitalize on the various renewable energy opportunities and partnerships with the military.
This is one in a series of Office of Indian Energy-sponsored strategic energy development and investment Tribal Leader Energy Forums. The DOE Office of Indian Energy Tribal Leader Energy Forum series is supported by the National Conference of State Legislatures through a cooperative agreement.