Presentations from the Tribal Leader Energy Forum in Oklahoma City, OK.
Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs
August 13, 2012August 13, 2012
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Cox Convention Center
The Office of Indian Energy Tribal Leader Energy Forum on Key Renewable Energy Opportunities for Oklahoma Tribes was held August 13, 2012, in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The forum gave Oklahoma tribal leaders the opportunity to receive the latest updates on DOE’s energy development efforts in Indian Country and provided a venue for tribal leaders to discuss how to capitalize on the various renewable energy resources in Oklahoma and best practices in renewable energy development, including:
- Project development and finance
- Issues related to Oklahoma land ownership
- Energy planning and energy markets
This is one in a series of Office of Indian Energy-sponsored strategic energy development and investment Tribal Leader Energy Forums. The DOE Office of Indian Energy Tribal Leader Energy Forum series is supported by the National Conference of State Legislatures through a cooperative agreement.