Conventional Energy Forum & Associated Vertical Business Development: Best Practices in Indian Country

Presentations from the Tribal Leader Energy Forum on conventional energy in Las Vegas, NV.

Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs

March 1, 2012
minute read time

March 1, 2012
Las Vegas, Nevada
Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino

The Office of Indian Energy Tribal Leader Energy Forum on "Conventional Energy (Oil, Gas, and Coal) Forum & Associated Vertical Business Development: Best Practices in Indian Country" was held March 1, 2012, in Las Vegas, Nevada. The forum focused on recent trends, existing successful partnerships, and perspectives on the future of conventional energy and how tribal business interests are evolving to meet the interests and needs of new tribal energy economies. The forucm provided an opportunity for tribal leaders, federal agencies, and executives to directly converse with each other regarding best practices in conventional energy project partnerships and investments, and get real-time, regional market snapshots of:

  • New discoveries
  • New oil and gas production methods
  • Associated research and development
  • Support industry opportunities and new markets emerging in the traditional energy sector

This is one in a series of Office of Indian Energy-sponsored strategic energy development and investment Tribal Leader Energy Forums. The DOE Office of Indian Energy Forum series is supported by the National Conference of State Legislatures through a cooperative agreement.

Download the Agenda and Available Presentations: