Find presentations from the November 2009 Tribal Energy Program Review held in Denver, Colorado, below. Sort by topic, tribe, presenter, or presentation title.
Topic | Tribe | Presenter | Presentation |
Federal Programs and DOE Laboratories | Lizana Pierce | Tribal Energy Program Overview | |
Federal Programs and DOE Laboratories | Roger Taylor | National Renewable Energy Laboratory | |
Federal Programs and DOE Laboratories | Sandra Begay-Campbell | Sandia National Laboratories | |
Federal Programs and DOE Laboratories | Ted Buelow | USDA Rural Development Energy Program | |
Federal Programs and DOE Laboratories | Faline Haven | USDA Forest Service Biomass Projects | |
Federal Programs and DOE Laboratories | Craig Knoell | Western Area Power Administration: Transmission Infrastructure Program | |
Federal Programs and DOE Laboratories | Corrina Ikakoula | Bonneville Power Administration: Overview | |
Overview Topics | Doug MacCourt | Tribal Energy Project Development: Deals in Indian Country | |
Overview Topics | Cristala Mussato-Allen | Green Jobs in Indian Country | |
Overview Topics | Roger Taylor | Strategic Energy Planning & Project Development Stages: Importance of Champions | |
Overview Topics | Roger Taylor | Weatherization and How it Can Work for You | |
Overview Topics | Brian Lee | Weatherization Training: What Does it Take? | |
Development and Deployment Projects | Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation | Connie Lewis | Yakama Nation Hydropower Projects |
Development and Deployment Projects | Council of Athabascan Tribal Governments | James Kelley | Fort Yukon Wood Energy Program: Wood Boiler Deployment |
Development and Deployment Projects | Haida Corporation | Alvin Edenshaw | Reynolds Creek Hydroelectric Project |
Development and Deployment Projects | Rosebud Sioux Tribe | Ken Haukaas | Wind Energy Development |
Development and Deployment Projects | Chaninik Wind Group | William Igkurak | Enhancing the Efficiency of Wind-Diesel Hybrid Power Generation in Tribal Regions of Alaska |
Development and Deployment Projects | Kootznoowoo Inc. | Peter Naoroz | Thayer Lake Hydroelectric Development |
Development and Deployment Projects | Campo Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of the Campo Indian Reservation | Monique La Chappa | Kumeyaay Wind II: Phase 1: 160MW |
Development and Deployment Projects | Cherokee Nation Businesses | Carol Wyatt | Going Green to Make the Green |
Development and Deployment Projects | Ramona Band of Cahuilla Mission Indians | John Gomez | Ramona Ecotourism Cultural Resort Hybrid Renewable Energy Power System |
Development and Deployment Projects | Forest County Potawatomi Community | Amanda Frazer-Collins | Energy Efficiency Improvements |
Development and Deployment Projects | Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians of North Carolina | Shondi Johnson | EBCI Facility Retrofit |
Feasibility Study Projects | NANA Regional Corporation | Jay Hermanson | Geothermal Assessment Program and Wind Resource Assessment Program |
Feasibility Study Projects | Navajo Nation (Canoncito Band) | Rob Burpo | To'Hajiilee Chapter's New Solar Farm |
Feasibility Study Projects | Agua Calliente Band of Cahuilla Indians | Todd Hooks | Solar Feasibility and Pre-Development Study |
Feasibility Study Projects | Pinoleville Pomo Nation | David Edmunds | Renewable Energy Feasibility Study |
Feasibility Study Projects | Keweenaw Bay Indian Community | Gregg Norminelli | Wind Feasibility Study and Weatherization Training Project |
Feasibility Study Projects | Washoe Tribe of Nevada and California | Mistia Zuckerman | Alternative Energy Feasibility Study |
Feasibility Study Projects | Lower Sioux Indian Community in the State of Minnesota | Dan King | Development of Economically Sustainable Wind Installations |
Feasibility Study Projects | Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes of the Fort Peck Indian Reservation | Walter White Tail Feather | Electricity Generation from Geothermal Resources |
Feasibility Study Projects | Elk Valley Rancheria | Chris Howard | Energy Efficiency and Alternatives Analysis |
Feasibility Study Projects | Sac & Fox Tribe of the Mississippi in Iowa | Thomas Gearing | Meskwaki Renewable Energy (Wind) Assessment |
Feasibility Study Projects | Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma | Eugene Big Soldier | Assessment of Wind Resource on Tribal Land |
Feasibility Study Projects | Lummi Tribe of the Lummi Reservation | Jeremy Freimund | Wind Energy Development Feasibility Assessment |
Feasibility Study Projects | Hopi Tribe | Roger Tungovia | Feasibility Study for a Hopi Utility-Scale Wind Project |
Feasibility Study Projects | Yurok Tribe | Austin Nova | Wind and Hydro Feasibility Study |
Feasibility Study Projects | Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians | Leslie Isham | Assessing the Feasibility of the LCO Hydro Dam and Weatherization Training |
Feasibility Study Projects | Chickaloon Native Village | Rick Harrison | Uk'e koley "No Footprint" Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Feasibility Study |
Feasibility Study Projects | Native Village of Eyak | Bruce Cain | Wind Energy Resource Assessment on Alaska Native Lands in Cordova Region of Prince William Sound |
Feasibility Study Projects | Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians | Jeffrey Holt | Building Efficiency Energy Audits |
Feasibility Study Projects | Alaska Interior Regional Housing Authority | Kimberly Carlo | A Step Toward Conservation for Interior Alaska Tribes |
Weatherization and Training Projects | Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indians | Craig Moore | Alaska Native Weatherization Training and Jobs Program |
Weatherization and Training Projects | Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association | Craig Moore | Tribal Weatherization Training Project |
Weatherization and Training Projects | Peoria Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma | Jason Dollarhide | Weatherization Training Project |
Weatherization and Training Projects | Scotts Valley Band of Pomo Indians of California | Jody Larson | Tribal Multi-County Weatherization Energy Program |
Weatherization and Training Projects | Bishop Paiute Tribe | Edward Samson | Bishop Paiute Tribe Weatherization Program |
Student Internships | Sandra Begay-Campbell | Tribal Energy Program Student Intern Program Overview | |
Student Internships | Sandra Begay-Campbell | Tribal Greenbuilding 101: How Tribes Can Build Homes with Sustainability in Mind | |
Student Internships | Prestene Garnenez | Greening Gas Stations |