2009 Tribal Energy Program Review Meeting Presentations

Find presentations from the November 2009 Tribal Energy Program Review held in Denver, Colorado, below. Sort by topic, tribe, presenter, or presentation title.

Topic Tribe Presenter Presentation
Federal Programs and DOE Laboratories Lizana Pierce Tribal Energy Program Overview
Federal Programs and DOE Laboratories Roger Taylor National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Federal Programs and DOE Laboratories Sandra Begay-Campbell Sandia National Laboratories
Federal Programs and DOE Laboratories Ted Buelow USDA Rural Development Energy Program
Federal Programs and DOE Laboratories Faline Haven USDA Forest Service Biomass Projects
Federal Programs and DOE Laboratories Craig Knoell Western Area Power Administration: Transmission Infrastructure Program
Federal Programs and DOE Laboratories Corrina Ikakoula Bonneville Power Administration: Overview
Overview Topics Doug MacCourt Tribal Energy Project Development: Deals in Indian Country
Overview Topics Cristala Mussato-Allen Green Jobs in Indian Country
Overview Topics Roger Taylor Strategic Energy Planning & Project Development Stages: Importance of Champions
Overview Topics Roger Taylor Weatherization and How it Can Work for You
Overview Topics Brian Lee Weatherization Training: What Does it Take?
Development and Deployment Projects Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation Connie Lewis Yakama Nation Hydropower Projects
Development and Deployment Projects Council of Athabascan Tribal Governments James Kelley Fort Yukon Wood Energy Program: Wood Boiler Deployment
Development and Deployment Projects Haida Corporation Alvin Edenshaw Reynolds Creek Hydroelectric Project
Development and Deployment Projects Rosebud Sioux Tribe Ken Haukaas Wind Energy Development
Development and Deployment Projects Chaninik Wind Group William Igkurak Enhancing the Efficiency of Wind-Diesel Hybrid Power Generation in Tribal Regions of Alaska
Development and Deployment Projects Kootznoowoo Inc. Peter Naoroz Thayer Lake Hydroelectric Development
Development and Deployment Projects Campo Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of the Campo Indian Reservation Monique La Chappa Kumeyaay Wind II: Phase 1: 160MW
Development and Deployment Projects Cherokee Nation Businesses Carol Wyatt Going Green to Make the Green
Development and Deployment Projects Ramona Band of Cahuilla Mission Indians John Gomez Ramona Ecotourism Cultural Resort Hybrid Renewable Energy Power System
Development and Deployment Projects Forest County Potawatomi Community Amanda Frazer-Collins Energy Efficiency Improvements
Development and Deployment Projects Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians of North Carolina Shondi Johnson EBCI Facility Retrofit
Feasibility Study Projects NANA Regional Corporation Jay Hermanson Geothermal Assessment Program and Wind Resource Assessment Program
Feasibility Study Projects Navajo Nation (Canoncito Band) Rob Burpo To'Hajiilee Chapter's New Solar Farm
Feasibility Study Projects Agua Calliente Band of Cahuilla Indians Todd Hooks Solar Feasibility and Pre-Development Study
Feasibility Study Projects Pinoleville Pomo Nation David Edmunds Renewable Energy Feasibility Study
Feasibility Study Projects Keweenaw Bay Indian Community Gregg Norminelli Wind Feasibility Study and Weatherization Training Project
Feasibility Study Projects Washoe Tribe of Nevada and California Mistia Zuckerman Alternative Energy Feasibility Study
Feasibility Study Projects Lower Sioux Indian Community in the State of Minnesota Dan King Development of Economically Sustainable Wind Installations
Feasibility Study Projects Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes of the Fort Peck Indian Reservation Walter White Tail Feather Electricity Generation from Geothermal Resources
Feasibility Study Projects Elk Valley Rancheria Chris Howard Energy Efficiency and Alternatives Analysis
Feasibility Study Projects Sac & Fox Tribe of the Mississippi in Iowa Thomas Gearing Meskwaki Renewable Energy (Wind) Assessment
Feasibility Study Projects Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma Eugene Big Soldier Assessment of Wind Resource on Tribal Land
Feasibility Study Projects Lummi Tribe of the Lummi Reservation Jeremy Freimund Wind Energy Development Feasibility Assessment
Feasibility Study Projects Hopi Tribe Roger Tungovia Feasibility Study for a Hopi Utility-Scale Wind Project
Feasibility Study Projects Yurok Tribe Austin Nova Wind and Hydro Feasibility Study
Feasibility Study Projects Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Leslie Isham Assessing the Feasibility of the LCO Hydro Dam and Weatherization Training
Feasibility Study Projects Chickaloon Native Village Rick Harrison Uk'e koley "No Footprint" Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Feasibility Study
Feasibility Study Projects Native Village of Eyak Bruce Cain Wind Energy Resource Assessment on Alaska Native Lands in Cordova Region of Prince William Sound
Feasibility Study Projects Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians Jeffrey Holt Building Efficiency Energy Audits
Feasibility Study Projects Alaska Interior Regional Housing Authority Kimberly Carlo A Step Toward Conservation for Interior Alaska Tribes
Weatherization and Training Projects Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indians Craig Moore Alaska Native Weatherization Training and Jobs Program
Weatherization and Training Projects Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association Craig Moore Tribal Weatherization Training Project
Weatherization and Training Projects Peoria Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma Jason Dollarhide Weatherization Training Project
Weatherization and Training Projects Scotts Valley Band of Pomo Indians of California Jody Larson Tribal Multi-County Weatherization Energy Program
Weatherization and Training Projects Bishop Paiute Tribe Edward Samson Bishop Paiute Tribe Weatherization Program
Student Internships Sandra Begay-Campbell Tribal Energy Program Student Intern Program Overview
Student Internships Sandra Begay-Campbell Tribal Greenbuilding 101: How Tribes Can Build Homes with Sustainability in Mind
Student Internships Prestene Garnenez Greening Gas Stations