Special Report: DOE/IG-0924

Management Challenges at the Department of Energy – Fiscal Year 2015

Office of Inspector General

October 7, 2014
minute read time

October 7, 2014

Management Challenges at the Department of Energy – Fiscal Year 2015

The Department of Energy is responsible for executing some of the Nation's most complex and technologically advanced missions. These include vital work in energy innovation, scientific research, environmental cleanup, nuclear weapons stewardship, and nuclear nonproliferation. To execute this diverse portfolio, the Department receives an annual appropriation approaching $25 billion, employs more than 115,000 Federal and contractor personnel, and manages assets valued at $180 billion, including an extraordinary complex of 17 national research and development laboratories.

Considering this set of agency objectives, the Office of Inspector General annually identifies what it considers to be the most significant Management Challenges facing the Department. The overall goal is to focus attention on significant issues with the objective of working with Department managers to enhance the effectiveness of agency programs and operations.

While the Fiscal Year (FY) 2015 challenge areas remain largely consistent with those in previous years, based on the results of our work over the last year, a few notable changes in emphasis have been made. As a result, the FY 2015 Management Challenges include: Contract and Financial Assistance Award Management, Cybersecurity, Environmental Cleanup, Nuclear Waste Disposal, Safeguards and Security, and Stockpile Stewardship.

Topic: Management & Administration