Concerns Regarding Lead Contamination and Radio logical Controls at the Nevada Test Site
May 17, 2006May 17, 2006
Concerns Regarding Lead Contamination and Radio logical Controls at the Nevada Test Site
The Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Nevada Test Site (NTS) mission includes experimental and hazardous work in support of the national Stockpile Stewardship Program; maintaining the capability to resume underground nuclear testing; performing characterization and remediation of legacy nuclear testing sites; and managing nuclear waste operations. NTS is operated for DOE by Bechtel Nevada and is under the cognizance of DOE’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA). In March 28, 2006, the Department announced that National Security Technologies, LLC had been awarded a contract to manage and operate NTS, replacing Bechtel Nevada as the site contractor. Full performance of the new contract is scheduled to begin in July 2006.