Inspection Report: INS-L-15-03

Allegations Regarding Management of Highly Enriched Uranium

Office of Inspector General

September 1, 2015
minute read time

September 1, 2015

Allegations Regarding Management of Highly Enriched Uranium 

The Department of Energy's (Department) Y-12 National Security Complex (Y-12) has processed highly enriched uranium (HEU), a special nuclear material (SNM), for more than 60 years.  Y-12 is required to maintain inventories of nuclear material in Categories I – IV based on the material's attractiveness level and weight with Category I material as the highest rating. Further, Department Order 474.2A, Nuclear Material Control and Accountability, requires nuclear material programs to detect, assess and deter unauthorized access to any category of nuclear material. 

We received allegations that SNM was not appropriately managed at Y-12.  Specifically, we were informed that on January 22, 2014, HEU samples were discovered in the pocket of coveralls located on a laundry truck that annunciated an alarm as the truck tried to exit Y-12's Protected Area.  Although Y-12 had completed an assessment of this incident, the allegations indicated additional actions may be warranted.  

We substantiated the allegations related to safe handling of SNM, internal controls for the tracking and handling of SNM samples, SNM detection procedures, and SNM alarm response processes.  However, prior to our review, Y-12 federal and contractor officials conducted internal investigations concerning the incident and generally implemented corrective actions to address most of the issues outlined in the allegations.  Y-12's corrective actions addressed the issues related to SNM sample tracking, handling, detection, and alarm response. 
However, our review revealed that Y-12 had not completed corrective actions concerning: 1) a safety violation that occurred during the discovery of the HEU samples, and 2) the untimely notification to the Plant Shift Superintendent Office (PSS) about the discovery of the HEU samples.  Upon bringing these issues to the attention of Y-12 officials, they agreed to implement corrective actions for both issues. 

Topic: National Security & Safety