Internal Controls Over Methamphetamine Precursor Chemicals at the Y-12 National Security Complex and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory
June 14, 2004June 14, 2004
Internal Controls Over Methamphetamine Precursor Chemicals at the Y-12 National Security Complex and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory
The Tennessee Ninth Judicial Drug Task Force requested support from the Office Inspector General (OIG) for the Task Force's efforts to address the growing problem of illegal methamphetamine production in Tennessee. Specifically, the OIG was asked to evaluate the potential for certain chemicals to be stolen from Department of Energy (DOE) facilities in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, for possible use in the illicit production of methamphetamine. The Task Force has been aggressively trying to control the availability of methamphetamine precursor chemicals within its area of responsibility, which includes the region where DOE's Oak Ridge facilities are located. Methamphetamine is recognized as the third greatest drug threat in Tennessee and is the most prevalent synthetic illegal drug manufactured in the United States.