Inspection of Surplus Computer Equipment Management at the Savannah River Site
June 1, 2000June 1, 2000
Inspection of Surplus Computer Equipment Management at the Savannah River Site
By letter dated November 1, 1999, Senator Strom Thurmond advised the Office of Inspector General of an allegation that computer equipment containing over 40 computer hard drives reportedly containing classified or sensitive information were surplused and sold by the Department’s Savannah River Site (SRS). The letter raised the concern that the release of this information might pose a threat to the national security of the United States. The management and operating contractor at SRS, Westinghouse Savannah River Company (Westinghouse), is responsible for the final disposal of surplus equipment, including computer hard drives. The purpose of our inspection was to review the allegation concerning the sale of surplus computer equipment. The objectives of our inspection were to determine whether: (1) surplus computer equipment was disposed of in accordance with Federal and Department requirements, and (2) Government-owned computer equipment at SRS was properly cleared of sensitive information prior to disposal.