Inspection Report: DOE:OIG:19-50

Review of Office of Intelligence Allegations

Office of Inspector General

September 25, 2019
minute read time

September 25, 2019

Review of Office of Intelligence Allegations

The Department of Energy’s Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence (Intelligence) is responsible for all intelligence and counterintelligence activities throughout the Department, including nearly 30 intelligence and counterintelligence offices nationwide.  Intelligence contributes to national security by leveraging the Department’s scientific and technological expertise in support of policymakers, as well as national security missions in defense, homeland security, cyber security, intelligence, and energy security.

The Office of Inspector General received allegations that: (1) Intelligence management possibly violated internal and intelligence community policies regarding the handling of a thumb drive; and (2) Intelligence management may not have reported a missing classified hard drive at a field site.  We initiated this inspection to determine the facts and circumstances surrounding the allegations.

We did not substantiate the allegations.  Regarding the potential mishandling of a thumb drive, we found that Intelligence management had not violated policies.  At the time of our review, the information on the thumb drive had not been uploaded or assessed.  Concerning the second allegation, we verified that an internal investigation was conducted at the time the hard drive was discovered missing, and a report was subsequently issued.  We reviewed the report, which concluded that based on available evidence, the matter was likely to have been an administrative error and that the hard drive had been destroyed without proper documentation. 

Based on discussions with a senior Intelligence official, we were told that the Intelligence Director is in the process of reviewing roles and responsibilities to clearly define functions for his divisions.  As a result of management’s ongoing actions, we did not make any recommendations or suggestions.

Topic: National Security & Safety

DOE-OIG-19-50.pdf (673.75 KB)