Audit Report: OAS-M-07-01

Management Controls over the Department of Energy's Superconductivity Partnerships

Office of Inspector General

January 18, 2007
minute read time

January 18, 2007

Management Controls over the Department of Energy's Superconductivity Partnerships

The Department of Energy, through its Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, funds Superconductivity Partnerships. Each Superconductivity Partnership (Partnership) receives financial assistance primarily through a cooperative agreement with industry to research and develop high-temperature superconducting electric power cquipmcnt technologies. These technology projects offer the potential to drastically increase electricity transnlission capacity but represent a challenging objective since it is difficult to estimate the probability of success for such projects. Examples of these technologies include generators, transformers, magnetic energy storage systems, superconducting wire, and prototypes that have application in both the commercial and defensc sectors. The Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability develops the mission and objcctives for Partnership projects; formulates and justifies the budget; and, provides overall guidance and direction. The Golden Field Office located in Golden, Colorado, is responsible for administering the Partnership cooperative agreements.