Audit Report OAS-FS-15-09

Audit of Costs Incurred Under the Department of Energy's International Nuclear Cooperation Program Interagency Agreements With the Department of State

Office of Inspector General

February 24, 2015
minute read time

February 24, 2015

Audit of Costs Incurred Under the Department of Energy's International Nuclear Cooperation Program Interagency Agreements With the Department of State

The Department of Energy's Office of Inspector General contracted with an independent certified public accounting firm, KPMG, LLP (KPMG), to determine the allowability, allocability and reasonableness of direct project costs incurred related to the International Nuclear Cooperation Program in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation, and to determine whether the auditees complied with the applicable requirements in the Department of State Interagency Agreement related to the International Nuclear Cooperation Program fiscal years (FY) 2010 through 2013. KPMG concluded that except for certain issues outlined in its report, total project costs incurred during FYs 2010 through 2013 related to the International Nuclear Cooperation Program were allowable, allocable, and reasonable, in accordance with the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation, interagency agreement terms and conditions, and other applicable requirements.

Topic: Management & Administration