Audit Report: IG-0811

Washington Savannah River Company, LLC, Internal Audit Function

Office of Inspector General

January 14, 2009
minute read time

January 14, 2009

Washington Savannah River Company, LLC, Internal Audit Function

The Washington Savannah River Company, LLC (WSRC), served as the management and operating contractor for the Department of Energy's Savannah River Site (SRS) from April 1, 1989, to July 3 1, 2008. [n accordance with the terms of its contract, WSRC expended Federal filnds for the operation and maintenance of SRS. WSRC was required to account for all filnds advanced by the Department and to safeguard Government assets in its care. Also, as required by its contract, WSRC was to annually prepare a Statement qfC'osl.~In curred und ('laimed, which it submitted to the Department for all Federal funds expended during the year. For Fiscal Year (FY) 2007, WSRC expended and claimed $1,420,986,556.87.

Topic: Management and Administration