Disposal of the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site's Low-Level Mixed Waste
July 8, 2003July 8, 2003
Disposal of the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site's Low-Level Mixed Waste
In February 2000, the Department of Energy entered into a contract with Kaiser-Hill Company, LLC to close the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site by December 15,2006. Under the terms of the contract, Kaiser-Hill is responsible for treating and packaging low-level mixed waste (LLMW) greater than 10 nanocuries per gram, and the Department is responsible for providing a disposal site for the waste. Kaiser-Hill has about 1,300 cubic meters of this type of waste in its inventory and estimates that it could generate an additional 1,500 cubic meters prior to site closure. The waste consists mainly of sludge, metals, combustibles (e.g., rags, clothmg, and wood), lead solids, and lead gloves. Kaiser-Hill anticipates a need for a disposal site by August 2003.